
Do you like your own name? Or do you wish you had a different name?

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Do you like your own name? Or do you wish you had a different name?




  1. i like my name, but i wish i had one that was more exciting.....

    mine is laura, and it just sounds kind of dull.

    how about you?  

  2. I use to hate my name and wished that it was different. Now, I use my middle name with it, and it sounds pretty cool and I love it!!

    Jenna Marie!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. It's okay. My Dad decided to name me after himself... something I'll NEVER do!

  4. i like my name finley

    coz in my country,indonesia, i've never found a person that have the same name like mine

  5. Im fine with it.

  6. My first name is Aileen and I love it because I've never met another Aileen before.  But my middle name is Elizabeth and I hate it because EVERYBODY'S middle name is Elizabeth!  Ever since I was about 7 years old I wished that my middle name was Xanthe because it's so different and beyond cool.

    Aileen Xanthe.

    Now tell me that's not asskickingly awesome!

  7. I used to hate it when I was younger but I think I've "grown into it" since then

  8. i hate my name DESIREE.

    i like zoe.

  9. I have always loved my name...I am deffinately an Erika.  However, I grew up with the last name, I was eager to drop it when I got married...

  10. i love my name

    LAURY =)

  11. I love my name Ayaka.

  12. I like all my names.  I use them everywhere.

  13. my name is vinaya n i hate it..

    wish i had a better name..

  14. Love the first 2 can't wait to change the last..What about you?...Blessings Yahoo

  15. I like my name well enough but I kinda always wished I had a name that lent itself to nicknames like how Jennifer can be Jen Jenny ect

  16. im fine with mine, my name is riezel anne.. but i hate it when im introducing myself and they heard it like krizel.. i always repeat it and say its starts with r.

  17. I've always wished my parents had named me Jared...but I'll probably appreciate the name Collin when I have to fill out Job Applications.

  18. i like my name :) theres only like one other person i know that has it..

    kayla :)

  19. I really hate my name. Its Scott. I dont like the way it sounds. My embarrassed just introducing myself and saying my name. I wish it had more syllables. At least 2 or 3. Not 1. I hate having a name with just 1 syllable.

  20. My name is Shanna and I really don't like it. Everyone calls me "shawna" or "shayna" or "shannon". The name just disgusts me all around. I don't think I would ever consider changing it though because that would just be awkward for everyone xD

  21. I like my name.

  22. I do. It's called an alias.

  23. Noelle..  hmm ...

    unique. different. never met anyone else with it. i like it. :D

  24. I used to but not anymore.

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