
Do you like your work colleagues? Or are they a bunch of miserable ignorant peeps?

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What are your experiences of people at work?

Are they friendly or clicky?

Do they speak to you when you arrive at work and say good morning etc




  1. Well they are pretty friendly at my job I say good morning but I try and mind my own business and stay out of that office gossip.  It is a bit clickish though, there is an incrowd outcrowd and just plain in the middle.

  2. All are friendly when you're one-on-one with them.  As a group, some of them can be clicky.  All very nice people though.

  3. Most say Hi when I greet them, however, some never will.  I figure if they don't like me or etc, it's their loss and their problem.  That way I don't take their behavior personally and I have a pleasant day.

  4. More like miserable ignorant Asshats.

    But that's just where I work.

    Your mileage may vary.

  5. Sadly, it is not that they do not care, it is simply the fact that they do not think, that makes most people you work with, the way they are,all of the places I have worked, except one, the people were too interested in their own benfits and desires to even notice that they were being selfish, and would deny it if they were ever pulled up about it,  

    And yes they are cliquey, because they believe their best interests are served, by being protected by the group, the ones who are not, are losing out in the games they are playing in, and will move on eventually, when they realise this is happening to them, most promotions are still done in the bar by management, and as I do not drink, I am losing out, I also do not play golf, (the worlds most boring game, behind football, horse racing, cricket, (UGH), rugby, American football, and anything that they can gamble on), so I lose out twice where I work, and the management do not seem to understand that they are stealing from my kids lives, as well as my pocket,  when I get passed over for a promotion where the work I do was claimed by one of their drinking partners, and do you know what ?, they do not care either...

    This is life for most people in this nation of mediocrities, it should be based on merit, but who is kidding who, here ? This country sucks, and that is why we are losing ground, in the battle for survival against other nations, but it will never be a meritocracy while we are prepared to elect our leaders on the same basis, that we like them, or their party, not on what they can actually do...i.e. Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, these are not "able" people, they have no record of ability outside of climbing the greasy pole of politics, why do we go on this way, anyone ?

  6. The people in my department are awesome.  Some of the other people in the office are morons, though.

  7. In a nutshell? you go to work for money and position, not to make friends! remember! all those people around you would sell you short to get a promotion over you, am I right or wrong? It's a dog eat dog situation out there so make sure your sitting on top of the poo mound! lol.  

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