
Do you listen to your fortune cookie?

by  |  earlier

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Well, do you? How accurate are they, usually?




  1. No. But it's funny to put "in bed" at the ebd of your fortune. Doesn't matter what it says, it always works.

    "You will get good news about a possible new exciting work bed"

    "You will meet up with an old bed"

  2. Oh My Gosh. My fortune cookies are like they are meant for me and I always listen to them and take them seriously.

  3. My fortunes are about half accurate ... the lottery numbers on them are losers though.  I've never won a cent using the lottery numbers from fortune cookies.

  4. Ive been accused by my fortune cookie of hearing, but not really listening  :)

  5. Ya, well most of the time. I dont know how accurate they are I usually forget them the next day.

  6. Yes, one time i got one and it actually came true it was creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Only when it's good.  Just like my horoscope.

  8. I can't usually make sense of my fortune cookie so no I don't usually listen to it...

  9. not usually, just if its good kind like i will inherit lots of

  10. Sometimes, right the money; sometimes, a complete opposite of what's happening in my life. Weird, huh?

  11. not really, i don't get fortunes that tell me to take action, i always end up with one that says "happiness is found without looking" or some other vague and cheesy philosophical line

  12. I do if it's a good fortune. Not really, if it is bad...LOL

    Fortune Cookies are good for a quick laugh, that's about it.

    They are rather tasty though. Did you see the chocolate covered fortune cookies they had out for valentines day? YUM! I wish someone would have bought me some of those.

  13. Nope.

  14. not really

  15. They don't seem to tell fortunes anymore.  You will meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger.  I don't use the lottery numbers, either.

  16. no i don't that would be called superstitution and they are rarely accurate because they really aren't telling you your future. they are just for the fun of it.

  17. no not reallybut i read them put them in my pocket and leave very easy but i do beleive in horoscope it always gets my attitude and stuff thats really accurate

  18. Nope

  19. some times

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