A Man Of Content
Hark; the Magpie is caroling his sweet song
As the dawning creeps over field and wood.
Gone the moon who’s crescent floated across
The dark velvet where Orion had once stood.
Gently sounds the Yellow-bellied Glider.
While slowly and with deliberation the
Blue Tongue Lizard stalks a Huntsman Spider.
Before the sun tips the graceful Blue Gums
I listen to a crescendo of musical sound
As Lorikeets welcome the dawns arrival
And Bats from groves fly homeward bound.
Awakens all nature on this glorious new day
And the Echidna seeks his breakfast of ants.
While the Platypus tumbles the rivers stones
As she paddles her way through aquatic plants.
Cockatoos warm their toes on overhead wires,
Perched as musical notes of a well known score
Waiting for the Kookaburra to laugh them all in,
What more wanders can this new day have in store?
Lucky I am to spy in the dawn a Chubby Gungan,
A brown frog in this place I happily call my home
Where creature's of every kind come to my hand.
I am content as no other man; never again to roam.