
Do you live every day of your life as if it is your last?

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Do you live every day of your life as if it is your last?




  1. No.

  2. Of course not.  Nobody does that.  If you did that you couldn't make any plans for tomorrow.

  3. Each & every one.

  4. Right now I'm answering Q's on Y/A......

    I sure hope I'm not doing this on my last day on Earth, I'll be very disappointed if I

  5. No, but I live everyday to it's fullest. When I hit the bed at night I go out, soon as my head hits the pillow. I couldn't possibly live life in the manner you suggest, because the things I want to accomplish before I die will cost a small fortune, which at the time I am without.

  6. No. Easily said than done.

  7. we must prepare for the last. :P

  8. My God, is that old saw STILL around?

    The phrase is so stupid.  If you knew this was the last day of your life, you'd be scrambling around trying to gather up important papers, your bank account numbers, etc., so that your estate was in good enough order for the person stuck with settling your affairs.

    I tell my loved ones that I love them, every time we speak.

    That's common sense, just in case.

  9. I wish I could!

  10. Hello, Ellen Page. Lol! Nice pic. I don't fully understand that saying, but I try to live as if everyday is my last. I'm a young person, and I don't know much about life, but I try to be as happy as possible. I give it all, and try my best. Although I try to live everyday as if it is my last, but I also doesn't the feeling that today is my last. So, I don't live everyday as if it is my last, because I will start to worry and be ignorant. What can I say? I tries to make the best out of everything, just like Juno. :)

  11. There are certain parts that we each could live daily as if tomorrow would be too late, such as being kind, doing for others, appreciating our friends, helping the underprivileged, and telling those we love that we love them.  We cannot live functional aspects of our lives, such as finances or employment, as if it were the last without some type of finite knowledge of the 'end'.

  12. I'm working on it.  Getting closer!  Thanks for asking.  Great question.  It's about feeling the ecstasy, and feeling everything.  Seeing the beauty in everything.

  13. the moment as if it was the last...

  14. Everyday I wish that it was my last

  15. nope, i'd run out of money pretty quick

  16. Obviously everyone who answered your question doesn't, otherwise they wouldn't spend their "last day" on yahoo answers. Doh.

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