
Do you live in Europe?

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I'm from America and am thinking about moving there. How is the lifestyle? culture? healthcare? governments?

I'm a liberal city girl who loves philosophy and European history. Where do you think I should settle?




  1. Yep, I do live in Europe. I've been in several countries and each one is completely different to the other. Differences between cultures are huge here in Europe. Also you can have different cultures in within the same country. South Spain and South Italy are totally different than North Spain and North Italy for instance. You also have to take clima into account. Winter can be quite tough in northern Europe and summers might be too hot for you in southern Europe. I don't know where you are from in the USA so I cannot help you in that sense. Also languages can be an inconvenient for you. If you just speak English, you will find difficulties to adapt yourself in Spain, Italy or France because very few pple speaks English there, so it will take you some time before you are fully integrated. On the other side in countries like sweden, Finland, Netherlands, they speak English quite well so you will not have a shock at the beginning. Also lifestyle is completely different to the USA. Pple usually live in cities instead on rural areas. Public transport in genral is quite efficient and you don't depend as much on a car. Maybe you should come on holidays before to get an idea of how it is here. I'm from Barcelona and I consider it a nice city with lots of culture and stuff. Also weather is nice there. The only problem is that you migh find it a little chaotic compared to the USA. I'm currently living in the Netherlands. The country is nice but weather and gastronomy are worse. Pple are quite open too here in the NL. If you go to Scandinavian countries, they are colder. About healthcare, I believe that all the European countries have public healthcare although you can pay for a private one. Another point is wheter you want to live in a big city like London or Paris or smaller ones. Give me more info and maybe I can help you more!

  2. Rome!

    European history practically lives there.

    It's a beautiful place. You should consider.

    On the other hand, you should also see England.

    Since you already speak English.

    I also highly reccomend Greece. I'm from an island called Kos. It's gorgeous there. Everyone knows everyone. And your language skills (english) can be used in tourist buisinesses. If you want a little more commotion, try Athens.

  3. If you like all 4 seasons, lots of forests, rivers and lakes, not too crowded places, smaller cities and the like, then Finland is your place to be!!

  4. Well i live in Magdeburg,Germany and its beautiful here the culture and beauty of Germany is great,the people here are very sweet, the food is fantastic,the education is perfect and unlike in America we have the Autobahn so yeah that gives us big points!!!

  5. well which country's history are you most interested in? All countries are beautiful and each has something different.

    lifestyle is awesome,more relaxed and seems like ppl don't work as much as in north america. Ppl party a lot and are more outgoing.Government are the same wherever you go:)

    But healthcare is much better,you don't have to pay expensive insurance,most is covered by government.

    Try and see how it goes. It's always a great experience to move and live somewhere else.

    It's like a different planet.
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