
Do you live in Switzerland? have you lived in a foreign country, preferably young' Then aswer this ......?

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R U bored out of your freakin mind??




  1. Yes I live in Switzerland, yes it's a foreign country to me, no, I was already old when I moved. In my experience, though, teenagers are always bored, no matter where they're from or living.

    Do you snowboard or mountain-bike?

  2. Great place, love it!

  3. Yep.

    I didn't even speak the d**n language so all I did was sit inside and wait for my friends to reply to the thousand emails I had sent...

  4. Yes, Yes, Yes! I live in Switzerland, I've lived ina foreign country (exchange year in the USA), and I'm kind of bored right now.....!

    I have to say to the previous answer, that the night life in Switzerland is amazing, too! You just have to know the right places to go. The streets are filled with people at night time, and there are so many clubs to go even for teenagers!;) I visited Geneva and it was so much fun.....!

    Otherwise I must confess that Switzerland is kind of boring, especially where I life. I live in a really small town surrounded by mountains! But yeah, you can still go there......I'm sure it's something different........!

  5. HI.... I am from Vevey but always wanted to escape from our comfortable little prison. As soon as the billateral agreements between Switzerland and the EU were signed a few years ago, I started to look for a job down south, either Italy, Greece or Spain, and I finally found what I was looking for in Madrid, where I've been living for the past 3 years.

    Sure, here things do not work as perfectly as in Switz., but that's what makes its charm too. Spain is fun, its people are warm and a Spanish friend is a friend for life.

    I've just been to my parents home for a week's holiday and I couldn't wait to go back to my real home, Madrid.

    I'd say go for it : I didn't speak the language and still managed to fit in much better than when I tried to move from the Romandie to Suisse-Toto-Land where they surely worked hard on making me feel most unwelcomed!

  6. I don't live in Switzerland, but I lived in Brussels for 6 months and took a week-long trip to Geneva.  I must say that Geneva was pretty boring.  There were about ten of us that went (all in our early 20s), and we had a hard time finding any good night life.  If you're living in Europe, though, go to Brussels!   I would live there permanently if I could.  The nightlife is absolutely amazing.. the restaurants are fabulous.. and there are lots of other cultural things to do (depending on what you're into).

  7. Yes, I live in Switzerland and we've only been here for about 20 months.

    We aren't bored at all.  We ski every weekend (fabulous sking), eat out regularly in great restaurants and have met lots of interesting people.  

    It's also nice to be so close to lots of beautiful places and the rest of Europe.

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