
Do you live in the UK. Are you worried about the fuel strike? Are you going to panic buy?

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Do you live in the UK. Are you worried about the fuel strike? Are you going to panic buy?




  1. hi, i already have i have a 3.6 litre mercedes AMG and a 4.2 Litre Jag so i have already panic bought it is essential its going up 24-7

  2. I filled up as usual yesterday and will worry about it when it happens. I'm far more concerned that he fuel bills are affecting my grocery bills..

    So far a panic buying is concerned I must confess that when the suited ones who know everything tell me not to panic but it's like an alarm bell

  3. Yes I live in UK

    Yes I'm worried about the fuel strike

    No, I can't afford to panic buy, My petrol is on a limited budget. Also I'm not a greedy pig, like some I can mention.

  4. Yes.... no.... no

  5. Before you know it, Tesco will be rationing Guiness.  =)

  6. I got a push Bike so carry on PANICKING lol

  7. yes of course i am worried about the fuel strike and no i am not going to panic buy if there isnt any left or they have to ration it it wouldnt worry me i walk everywhere so i just have to do extra walking.

  8. Panic buying only exacabates (sp?) the problem. Everyone buying as much as possible at the same time causes demand to soar which makes prices rise even more.

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