
Do you live in the past , present or future?

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I'm a future person, maybe cause I'm aquarious, I like to think more about what I'm gonna do rather than what I did. I read somewhere, that most people spend more time thinking about past or present that they don't care much about their future. So tell me what type are you and let's find out.




  1. well I think about future with reference to past and live in present.

    So I am like a allrounder. but mostly a present and future. i Hate to regret what i did good or bad everything is said and done so just take experience from that.

  2. Present, I try to let go of the past but still use it for what I'm doing now.  I usually almost never plan ahead and stuff for things.

  3. I live in the moment....or at least I try to....

    I'm a Sagittarius:)

  4. I live for tomorrow...but try not to forget to live today.

  5. I try to live in the present ... If I have one foot in the past and one foot in the future I am pissing all over today.  Get the drift?

  6. Okay,I'm working on forgetting the past.I have this habit of holding things inside of me.

    Anyway,I really want to work on focusing on the present,and thinking about the future (occasionally),lol.

  7. I basically live in the moment.  We are told to have faith in God, and to not worry about the future, or the past...

    But balance is difficult, and I worry too much...

  8. I think about all of them but i think more about the future. Its like i live in the future. ha. Always planning and stuff. I have my entire life planned out! :)

  9. mentally in the past

    emotionally on the future

    i'm a cancer, water sign =]

  10. For me its hard not to always think of my past because my boyfriend of 3 yr's passed away 11/01/07 & Every since that day all i can think about is the happy memories & moving foward for me is hard because i want so bad to have him in  back my arms again & to live happy ever after .  But knowing i have to move on without him by my side is very hard for me But i try.  Dont take advange of what you have today cause it can be gone tomorrow. Oh & im a Virgo.

  11. Forget the past

    Don't worry about the future

    But living today like there is no tomorrow

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