
Do you live near a hazardous waste site? How dangerous is it?

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I do. I just accidentally found out that I am living across the road from a hazardous waste site. My husband said it was because the former company had abandoned radioactive film there. Doesn't make you feel very good does it? They just built a new public school less than a mile from here also. It is amazing what they don't tell the citizens and it it all over the Internet if you know where to look for it.




  1. Ariel,

    The citizens ARE told about it, at the time the materials go into the ground.  Moreover, when any piece of real estate is bought or sold, an environmental clearance report is issued by a competant environmental specialist.  The fact that a hazardous waste site is across the street is revealed at the time the property is purchased.

    With the environmental regulations being what they are today, a hazardous waste site cannot be burried without special monitoring and it must meet exacting safety standards for construction of the containment coverings.  And it must be monitored for a minimum of 50 years in most states.

    So don't worry so much.  Radioactive film burried deep in the ground isn't going to affect you living on the surface.  If you have a basement, you may go to the local hardware store and ask for a RADON detection kit and follow the directions on it.  If you have RADON in your basement and it wasn't disclosed on the environmental clearance, then you can take legal action against the former owner, the environmental professional giving clearance, and the realtor who sold you the home.  If you are on a well for your household water, have your water checked by a local laboratory for what is called the full RCRA suite.  The analysis will cost you around $250-$350 but it will tell you EVERYTHING that is wrong with your drinking water...IF anything.

    If you dont have RADON and the water is okay....stop worrying so much....there are alot of talking heads out there that sound like they knwo what they are saying, but keep in mind, news isn't news any more, its infotainment.  And those so-called TV journalists are more performer than journalist these days and haven't a clue what they're talking about, they're just reading the teleprompter for the most part.

    Good luck...

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