
Do you look both ways before crossing the street?

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Do you look both ways before crossing the street?




  1. yep!!!unless i dont care bout wats gonna happen cause usually the cars stop

  2. Yes. I was taught to look both ways at a young age to avoid getting hit by a car.

  3. YESS!!!

    but somtimes i slip up a little


  4. i do everything both ways. eating AND sucking.

  5. Yes and that may very well be why I am still alive.

  6. always, its like engraved in my brain or something


  7. Yes

  8. OF COURSE! What type of question is that!  

  9. Oh yes.  Even if it is a one-way street.  And especially now when people ride bikes on the pavement and anywhere they please.

  10. yeah.

  11. Yes.

    Sometimes multiple times...

    Old habit from crossing the flight deck/hangar deck on a carrier...

  12. Yes,i like my life very much

  13. Yeah.  If I'm gonna die as a result of an automobile accident, I need to time it right before running into traffic...

  14. YES!  

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