
Do you look down on and judge others quickly because of their race, education level, looks, etc. ?

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How do we address these problems inside us. Pride and prejudice. I have this problem sometimes. and if you have it too, what do you propose. What can you advice. Im not a total snob but sometimes it just happens




  1. Well, honestly yes I do sometimes.  But only the really REALLY stereotypical ones...seriously they bother me so much.  I see a lot of those kinds of yes I do judge...and no it isn't good...and I'm trying to stop... =)  

  2. Being a little more withdrawn I can see things from a different angle.

    I try so hard just to be an open person,when I see things or people I tend to look the other way.Perhaps I have seen thing in a real life perspective over the years.

    My Best

  3. I have this issue now and I am trying to work on it. I do not like christians or catholics. Or at least I am wary the second I learn that they are of either faith. I feel myself prejudging them and dismissing their opinions. I am trying to over come this by exposing myself to more religions including those I do not like. I went with my roommate to his baptist church last sunday. I won't say that it was a pleasant experience but I am trying.

  4. I sort of have the same problem, but you know what we all are prejudice of some form.  I am a perfectionist and when someone does not look appropriate I judge them or when I am trying to finish something and they are in my way I ignore them so that I can do the best job that I am doing!  

  5. ha, im guilty too.

    i just try to keep an open mind about it, and tell myself that everyone is brought up differently so im going to think different of them and make up my own opinion about their actions, etc. of course sometimes ill be in a bratty mood and just want to dismiss someones behaviour as a result of their race, but im trying to stop it.

    be the change you want to see in the world - ghandi

  6. I don't discriminate on education level at all.

    I don't discriminate on looks (I have none so it's pot calling the kettle black).

    I sometimes think a bit stereotypically and might think someone will not like something because of their race and little things like that but I don't LOOK DOWN on someone for their race. I can off the top of my head think of something great that has come from every race in this World.

  7. I honestly put in an effort not to, but sometimes I can't help it.

    But I (try) not to treat people differently. People are people. That's my philosophy.

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