
Do you look down on teen mothers?

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I know people do. But I mean it's better then going out and getting an abortion.




  1. I don't look down on them.  Nor do I really feel sorry for them for being under so much pressure, all of which could have been avoided.

    Edit: They are also the ones that say what others think doesn't matter, so they aren't one bit offended by my not feeling one bit sorry for them when they complain that they cann't do anything with their friends, that there is no money, they are so stressed out, etc....right?

  2. I look down on those who cant support the babies they choose to have.  I think a huge part of being a parent is being responsible, and finances are a part of that.

  3. being a "teen" mother myself i really don't look down on them. I do sometimes feel like their not ready to be mothers by the way some of them act. Still going out and parting every weekend and coming home drunk and leaving their mother to take care of the baby. Its not fair that the grandmother was to raise the child some times but not all mothers are like that at all. they step up the plate and take on full responsibility for the child. i just wish more teen moms would.

    **my little sister is going to be a teen mother herself. She will graduate mid term her senior year(this year) and go work full time while I watch the baby so se can earn herself money for her college degree.I will help her as much as i can and be there for her,even though i had a baby myself 3 weeks ago. **

  4. they opened their legs that night...

    but if it was rape then no

  5. everyone is in a different situation and whether they choose abortion or to keep it is up to them, either way they are making the choice that is right for them

  6. i dont look down on happy they dont get abortions its just you wanna smack them around and tell them to get on birth control is all

  7. i don't look down on them..... i think they should wait till there older , but i am just glad they don't get abortions.. i am so against them... who kill an innoccent baby.. i mean if they don't want to take care of the child then give it up for adoption

  8. I don't if they are being a good parent.

  9. I don't look down on teen moms. Its none of my business. However, I don't feel sorry for them either.

  10. I don't look down on them, and I also don't feel sorry for them.

    They should have thought twice or made sure they were ready for a child.

  11. (= no I don't look down on teens mother cause I am glad that they are taking care of there action then to take the easy way out by getting an abortion. =)

  12. No, but I do feel sorry for them.

  13. No, I don't look down on a teen mother.  I was a teenager when my first child was born, though I had been married a year by then.  I do believe that, teenager or adult, s*x should wait until marriage.  So, I disagree with the choices that result in unmarried women (teens or not) being pregnant.  But, I strongly respect the decision to accept the consequence of their sin and carry the child, instead of killing it.  (And, we all sin.  My lying, or your unkind words, are both equally "bad" sins in the eyes of God if we're unrepentant).

  14. i am an expecting teen mother and im proud at that.  im not expecting any help from anyone but my babys daddy.  i dont think people should look down on us for being teen mothers ..  we can be just as good parents as anyone older.

  15. No, I think that's really disrespectful. It's wrong to stereotype people.

  16. I don't look down on teen mothers. People make mistakes. As long as that teen owns up to there responsibility and takes care of there child then a hard lesion learned. What I do look down on are the irrespirable people (not just teens) that keep having children that they truly cant afford or take care of. For the teens that keep having more then one child I look down on there parents.  

  17. i was a teen mom and i do not look down on any mom that does her job and raises her kids well. holds a job and provides regardless of age

  18. It depends.

    If i knew the girl and her situation and knew she was a good mother then no i wouldn't look down on her, however if i saw a random chav (english slang, look it up) walking around town with baby Wayne or Destineee with a dummy shoved in their face and stuck in a pram even though they were like 4 then yes i would probably look down on her.

  19. Yes I do. But honestly they should have thought before they went out and screwed with some guy.  

  20. Only if they are letting their parents take care of their kids while they sit around being lazy. Not applying themselves by going to school or working. Then I would say "grow up and take care of your responsibilies"  

  21. if they act like a mother then no.

    a mother is a mother, no matter how old they are.

  22. i want to say that i don't, but i probably do.  if anything i would want them to know that they can make it, even though it will be a difficult road.

    i guess I don't understand with all the resources we have why they don't use them, so they don't get pregnant.

  23. i look down on the teens parent or guardian more than the teen

    i mean parents should educate their kids and talk over and over about this and not put all the pressure on the schools

  24. I only look down on the teen moms who have s*x and don't care that they are having a baby. They would rather kill the baby and live their life than deal with the consequences, and never have any responsibility.

    I however, feel sorry for the moms who acknowledge that they did something wrong.

    Good luck with the babies, to all the teen mom's who know that they did something wrong (that was not sarcasm, it was sincere).

  25. I would not look down at a teen mom doing their best for themselves and their child.

    When they grow up and take care of their responsibilities, I respect that.

  26. My step-daughter is 15 and 21 weeks pregnant. When she told us, I was shocked, but I took some time to think about it before I said anything to her, and I relized that she has made a very good decision on keeping her baby girl. Only because she wasn't one of those girls that would try to hide it by having an abortion, and that she wanted to change and take responsiblity. I do not look down on teen moms, I tey to encourage them as much as possible, because they need it. They can't change being pregnant, so why yell at them and try to make it seem like it ever happened? With my daughter and other teen moms I talk to I try to encourage as much as possible. They at least try and give it there all.

    *Please encourage teen mom's they need it! Please don't yell at them for wanting to do the right thing, it already happend and you can't do anything about it, so help them don't hurt them.*

  27. Not at all.. I don't look down on them and neither do i judge them. Everyone makes their choices.. I just make different ones and so do they.

  28. i don't, at first glance I might think "oh.. wow." But even though its wrong that they are in the situation, I think it's admirable that they didn't go & get an abortion.  

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