
Do you look down upon people who use coupons?

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I do.




  1. I do look down upon people who don't use coupons.

  2. I actually think people who go gaga and say they saved all this money on a trip to the grocery store are foolish for the most part.  A lot of those coupons are garbage.  The brand name may cost $20.  Coupon is $1 off.  But the generic is $15, making the coupon worthless anyway.  Instead of the generic, they buy the brand name, use the coupons, and tell you they saved X amount of dollars.  Ahh... yeah.

    Coupons that stores give out where you save money off a whole order (like $10 off an order of $50 or more) can be worthwhile though.

  3. I don't.  Sure it's a hassle if they're in front of you in the checkout line, but on the other hand, who doesn't want to try to save a buck or 20?   When I use them, I try to use a cashier who is out of the way, I sometimes observe who the faster ones are and use them as well, and I even let others in front of me when I have a lot of things like that.

  4. No, I think they are really smart.  

  5. You have to be kidding!! I don't need to use them, thanks to God, but I certainly do if it something I need. That sort of thing is one of the things that allowed me to retire young and live as well, financially, as I did before.

    Live below your means. Plan for, and act, to prepare for one's later years. Waste money sparingly.

  6. Believe it or not, that extra 15-20 cents adds up  

  7. As someone who uses coupons, no. I can usually save a few bucks a week at the grocery store ($100-$200/year) and $10 a trip or more at BJ's, just for flipping through the ads during commercials.

    And despite what Jennfier says I will skip the coupon and buy generic if it's cheaper.

  8. No, I'd more likely admire them. I think they're smart for saving money... why spend extra money when you don't have to?

  9. I would like to know why a person would look down on someone for using coupons.  I don't use them because I feel it is a waste of time and not worth the money.  However, I kinda admire a person you uses them.  One philosophy about saving money is, "it doesn't matter how much you save but that you saved."  I don't necessarily agree with that but sometimes I feel I need that philosophy because I spend a lot.

  10. Of course not. Coupons are a great way to save money especially with the increase in oil prices and other items.

    Like the saying goes "take care of the penny and the pound will take care of itself!"

  11. Why would you look down on someone for using something to save money? I love using coupons! I have saved up to $20 before by using coupons..

  12. Absolutely not. People who use coupons are smart. You can save a lot of money in one grocery shopping trip by using coupons. Of course, its a tradeoff. Some people prefer to have the extra time NOT clipping coupons and others prefer the money. For the record, I rarely use coupons, except the ones for Bed Bath & Beyond that come in the mail.

  13. Why would you? What's it to you? It's none of your business if someone else uses coupons or not.

    I find that people who use coupons are generally organized, polite people. I hardly ever encounter any of them holding up the line with their coupons or anything like that.

  14. No, I use coupons. I use them at the grocery store and at restaurants. It does save money sometimes. It's rude to look down on people because they don't have as much money as others and sometimes need coupons.  

  15. yeah i do. unless its a real big saving. if you are saving a buck or 40 cents its waste of time. plus they hold me up at the checkout. my supermarket sends me money! gloat. like 15 buck voucher for using my loyalty card. i use those.

  16. I'm curious to know why you look down on these people who use coupons. What's it to you anyway? How does this affect you in any way? I think you need to mind your own business.

    To those who complain that coupon holders tie up the lines at the supermarket - get real. You all must have some really incompetent people working the check-out lines because in my city, even the ritzy ditzy-est stores take about 5 seconds to scan and store the coupons. Quit making excuses for looking down at them, and find something else to complain about. Better yet, find a hobby.

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