
Do you look forward to higher fuel prices?

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I do too!! I can't wait until people can't afford to drive their big trucks. That will be AWESOME!!!




  1. Agreed. in other countries, they pay 3-10 times as much as we do for fuel. people will resort to more public trans, bicycles, walking, or hybrids.

  2. Absolutely, I would love nothing more then to see gas go too 5 bucks a gallon. Overnight, this country would start focusing even more on conservation, smaller cars, and even...gasp....the environment!

    The world is set to run out of fossil fuels in 50 years. Where is the sense of urgency people!?! I'm so glad someone else feels this way. Great question

  3. I love it when the price of anything goes up,because I have nothing better to do with my money!

  4. I don't really care since I siphon it from my neighbors truck at night.

  5. Higher prices will only result in some inflation, and it is partly a result of the devaluation of the US dollar.

    But frankly, I don't care.  I spend less than 2000 dollars on gas per year.  That's not even one paycheck.  I'm much more concerned about my tax bill (14,000) and my mortgage (16,000) and my land payment (8,400).  Even if prices go up to 4 per gallon, it will only result in 500 dollars per year out of my pocket.  As opposed to what high interest rates could do to my mortgage payment when I have to move in 2 years, the price of gas really doesn't concern me that much.

    The only reason people complain about gas prices so much is because they see the price every day.  They don't notice their bills going up because they only see them once per month.  Look at how much people pay every month in credit card interest.  People in the US have no monetary sense.  Complaining about the gas price going up 18% when you are paying 22% on your credit card debt makes no sense.

    Besides, people won't stop driving trucks until it goes up to 5 dollars plus per gallon.  And with the government subsidizing ethanol, that's not going to happen soon.

  6. I would love it, then the noone could buy it anymore and people would depend on public transportation more. and the Bush and his croonies won't be able to stick their hands in our pockets anymore to fund their wars.

  7. Boy you sure have a God complex.  Who are you to dictate what people should drive.  How do you know those people don't conserve the environment in other ways.  Try focusing more on yourself and stop worrying so much about other people.

  8. Well, I don't want to see the price go up.  Even as a hybrid driver, I still have to buy gas!  I would like to see walking, bike riding, etc. become more the norm of transportation.

  9. No, but I will still drive my performance car.

  10. Those big trucks haul 90% of all the goods you find in the store.  I can't wait until you start screaming because you are starving.  That will be HILARIOUS!!!

  11. uhh no....

    Im an environmentalist an all, but higher gas prices will only hurt the little guy (people who can barely afford it now) making their lives much more difficult.

    Unfortunately not all cities are setup with good public transportation and many people are forced to travel far distances to work, so bikes are a very hard sell.

    I do hope we begin to push auto manufacturers to up their MPG's and produce more efficient vehicles and alternative energies and fuel.

    Still waiting for the electric car to come back...

  12. It would be nice to have higher fuel prices.. the higher it is, the more people won't drive their vehicles. Therefore, most of us would be walking.. (it is a good idea to walk rather than drive, since most Americans are considered overweight and/or obese)

    And this can help out with the global warming cause too.

  13. You environ"mental" con-artists need to wake up.  Fuel runs the world's economy.  Period.  Practically EVERYTHING depends on gasoline.  You can name one commodity any where in the world that does not rely on fuel.  When gas is $5/gallon what do you think that is going to do to the food and other necessities in the stores.

    The best and only thing we need to do is eliminate our dependency on foreign oil and start drilling here in the USA.  

    You can name all the "alternative fuels" you want.  It wont work.  

    Ethanol is definitely NOT the answer, the last few months have proved that.    

    Hydrogen power?  Not!  The oil industry will never allow it.  It will be lobbied out of congress faster than you can say "green house gasses".

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