
Do you look like your father or your mother?

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Do you look like your father or your mother? The question is this:

Is is true that between couples, you will be able to know who loves most by looking at their child, if the child (whether a girl or boy) looks very much similar to the mother (facial/physical features) it means that the love of the husband to the wife is greater than her love for him. Or if the child (whether a girl or boy) looks very much similar to the father (facial/physical features) it means that the love of the wife to the husband is greater than his love for her. In my case, my daughter got all the facial features of her father, so does it mean, between me and my husband, it is I that love most? Do you believe in this?




  1. dat aint true

  2. i never heard of that... what i've heard is that children always have more features of the mother if its a boy and the father if the child is a girl. but never this c**p about the love of one another. i don't believe it. i also look more like my grandparents on my dad's side.

  3. Sorry, but that's complete nonsense. Genes determine what the kids look like, and some look more like their grandparents than their parents, or on back. There is absolutely no correlation between who the kids look most like, and who loves who more between the couple.

    That's the first time I've heard that one though...I cannot imagine where someone came up with something like that. *shakes head laughing*

    I have some features of both my parents, but am built (so I am told) most like my paternal grandmother...of my parents 3 kids, I look the least like either of my parents. My brother favors my mother the sister favors my father the most (as far as body build).

  4. When I was young, I looked a LOT like my mother as a young child. As I've aged, I've become more of an amalgam (and also like my mother's mother somewhat).

    No, your theory is silly.

    A child's looks are due to the sheer happenstance of which egg and which sperm meet. It has nothing to do with who loves whom more or less.

    Where do people come UP with these silly things?

    If you have reason to believe your husband doesn't love you, that's a problem; your child's looks have nothing to do with it.

  5. I look just like exactly like my dad (everyone says) and kind of like two of his brothers. I don't really look like my mom or much of her side. Love has nothing to do with it it's just one of the parents have a stronger gene.

  6. What's love got to do with it?

    It's called genetics.

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