
Do you look older or younger than you really are?

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Do you look older or younger than you really are?




  1. older if anything

  2. younger, and it bugs me sooo much.

    no o nne will listen to me when i tell them my age! ppl ask if i'm 2 the right school!

  3. Well, I think I look every, single one of my years but everyone else who doesn't know my true age guesses about 10 years younger.....

  4. younger if anything

  5. I believe I look older then I really am

  6. ha, a lot of the guys at my school say i could pass as a senior.

    Im only a freshman, shhhh :)

  7. younger

  8. in 16 as of 4 days ago someone asked if i was 22 os older

  9. people tell me i look 16-17 but im 15. i dont see it, but older i guess

  10. Younger, I'm small for my age but it's alright well I feel wierd but it's ok there's this girl who's smaller than me in class she makes me feel good well actually 2 girls but they always pick on my instead...

  11. i look older. im 14 and people have said i look 18 lol.

  12. Younger ;)

  13. older, ive been told.


    people think im older than my 18 year old sister, and im like whattt?

    no way, im 14.

  14. Smarty pants...  

    I look younger (or so I'm told) - what do you think?

    ssıʞ ♥ kiss

  15. older

    good question :)

  16. Younger.  

  17. younger.

  18. I am 34 and most people think I am about 24.

    I sure ain't complaining!

  19. Older! }:]

  20. probably younger; judge me yourself (:  

  21. I definately look older NOT a good thing :(

  22. As said by others, younger.

  23. sometimes i look younger and sometimes i look older

  24. older

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