
Do you look to the government to solve your life problems?

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I'm interested to know what type of person depends on the government to improve their life. Please list your political affiliation and religious background if you have one.




  1. No, but I also don't want them working against me, while working for "wealthier" Americans and Israel.

    Democratic and former Catholic schoolboy.

  2. Roman Catholic Republican

    I look to the Government to solve ALL our problems..... by promoting an ENVIRONMENT where the individual can prosper IF HE WORKS HARD/SMART.

    I oppose any type of "entitlement" programs or socialized programs that are not meant to be (and held to) very SHORT TERM assistance to people who need a hand UP.... not looking for a hand OUT.


  4. No

    I depend on my able body and mind to solve my problems.

    I'm a conservative

  5. Yes yes I do. The Government is the parent, right or left are the children's, the parent has to watch the children. Because we all know how kids are.  

  6. No. Independent thinker.

  7. Liberals do. That's why my state is bankrupt (NY), and that's why all the wealthy people and the jobs they provided left, too. That's the equation liberals ignore. They seem to think wealthy people are perfectly fine handing over most of their money, and are not going to try to alleviate the tax burden by moving or shifting their spending.

  8. Not at all.

    I believe that hard work and personal responsibility are the key to improving your life. The government, as a provider, promotes the opposite.

    Independent/Conservative/Protestant Non-Denominational  

  9. No, I'm a Republican and a Man. I can solve my own problems.

    Good Luck

  10. No, certainly not to solve my problems.  I expect them to be able to handle what is their responsibility.  But I will take care of my own life...thank you.


  11. What Problems

    What's up with all you RedsStaters and you Doctor Phill emergencies.

    As a 24/7 Pro War Liberal anarchist I don't have a single problem in life.

  12. No. I look for the Govt. to stay out of my life.

  13. well ....I dont' know about "solve life problems"...

    but the government is supposed to be "for the people", by the in affect their job is to make life better for everyone.

    That's kinda the point of representative government...

    Their job is not to solve each persons individual "life problems"...but to solve problems facing the nation as a whole.

    Liberal Democrat. - Catholic

  14. No, but I do expect them to regulate greedy corporations who want to soak the average person dry just because they can.  

  15. Nowhere on earth ever has any government given any real solutions to the real problems of the people.

    Political affiliation: None

    Religious background: Agnostic

  16. Not me.  The less government, the better.  Dems have convinced the poor though that they need to rely on government for handouts.  Once they are feeding at the public trough they have votes assured.

  17. No, I look to the government to build roads, fund schools. Just the necessary things.

    I do not look at the government to take ridiculous amounts of money from companies and give it to the poor. I do not look for Pelosi to take 5 weeks leave on our tax dollars.  

  18. they are the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. I don't.

    Big business is always looking for government hand-outs though, the "free market" in action.

  20. Government causes problems, never solves them.

    Free Market, Independent, Capitalist, Conservative.

    Agnostic, but given the choice I'd rather have a religious person next door, as long as they were not MUSLIM.  

  21. Don't we all? I mean most of the corporation budget goes to lobbyist. Yes the government can very well solve a big array of problems.

  22. I find the Gov't creates more problems then it solves...No I would never depend on political affiliation I am independent...raised in a catholic/jewish family do not practice any religion.

  23. Government improved Capone's life with prohibition,just like they are making drug dealers rich today with prohibition on drugs.

    I'm a law abiding citizen,so my answer is no.  

  24. Yeah, the purpose of civilized government is to serve the people and keep the greed of big business in check.

    Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you.

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