
Do you lose or gain weight in ramadan?

by Guest45345  |  earlier

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i used to think you lose weight but then i learned that you gain weight if you eat after 7 pm. i live in california, so at 7 om its still bright outside. so would i gain weight or lose wight>?




  1. i never lose !!

    did U know about my suhor & Iftar ?Lol

    how can i lose ?


  2. I gain alot of weight.....................................

  3. Gain, apparently. Alot of people think since they haven't eaten or drunk the whole day, why not take a full dose all at once at aftaar, and that's the biggest mistake people make, when instead you should keep your stomach healthy, light and balanced during Ramazan, and why only Ramazan, it should be this way throughout your lifetime.

  4. I dont lose weight neither gain weight :)

  5. I usually stay the same but many people do gain weight bc they eat a lot after their fast.  

  6. lose

  7. I stay the same.

    I pretty much become nocturnal doing Ramadan.

    Iftar - small protein based meal

    and then 3 hours later another meal, and then I wake up every 3 hours during the night to eat and drink a couple protein shakes.

    I eat the same stuff, same portions, just instead of eating 5-6 small meals every day, i eat them at night.

  8. no i stay the same nothing changes. its all about how much you eat and what you eat that will make you gain weight at night you have to control proportion  

  9. probably gain weight but this ramadan ill probably lose weight due to the timing of iftar

  10. Gain , due to Ramadan sweets

  11. i stay the same cuz im kind of skinny anyway and i dont really eat lol so eating in ramadan doesnt really make a difference to my body lol

  12. The free E-book on this site might be just what you need to help you lose weight. It's a free download so at least it won't hurt to try it.

  13. by the end of ramadan, i usually need smaller clothes.

  14. You lose weight, and I would know because every year, my dad is his lightest during Ramadan. You don't eat that much either (only twice a day)

    Can you help me?;...

  15. it depends how much u eat during iftar

  16. i attempt to gain.. but now and then.. it changed.. :)

    but in the end i gain alot..  

  17. lol..ppl misunderstand Ramadan :D

    no i remain the same,or lose some weight. i eat the same portions i eat in other times,and i dnt eat much sweets :D

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