
Do you lose the antioxidants when you let green tea get cold?

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Do you lose the antioxidants when you let green tea get cold?




  1. no i dont think it matters what temperature it is for the antioxidants,

  2. NO the heating of the green tea is what loses the effectiveness of the drink. Heating (boiling), freezing, and drying, and extraction methods harms the chemical make up the good stuff like the polyphenols in green tea. You are looking for a rich source of anti oxidents that are in it raw form, like  Acai berries and wolfberry. Take it one step further check out mangosteen and its phytonutrient called XANTHONES.

  3. Definitely not.

  4. No, not a bit. Actually, there's more of a chance to lose nutritional value when you heat something to high temperatures, not when you cool/freeze it... in fact, freezing typically preserves the nutritional content.

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