
Do you lose your appetite if everyone around you is eating meat?

by Guest57562  |  earlier

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Veg*ns.....if you're eating a meal with friends and/or family and they are eating meat, does it bother you? I wouldn't tell anyone not to eat meat around me (I have no intention of converting anyone), but sometimes the look and smell of it makes me lose my appetite, especially if I smell it when it's raw. I used to love meat when I was an omni, but I guess I just have a different association for it now. Does this happen to you, and if do you deal with it?




  1. You know, now that you mention it, yes. I've noticed that since being vegan, it's become worse.

    My mother was preparing a whole chicken the other day. She cut the plastic off of it and immediately I could smell the raw bird. I haven't been around raw chicken in such a long time, I would now say that it has a stench!

    Anywho, she turned the poor bird upside down and I saw some pinkish fluid run out of the neck hole...the floppy piece of skin was dangling in the breeze and I darn near lost my lunch. I literally ran out of the room.

    I totally lose my appetite when people are eating barbecue - especially ribs. Watching people tear the meat with their teeth...then sometimes it dangles off the bone. Then they l**k their fingers free of BBQ sauce and grease. YUCK! It's SO unappetizing.

    I never say anything when I'm grossed out. I usually just excuse myself. If I can calm my stomach and nerves, then I'll return to the table. If not, I'm just finished eating. I'll throw some foil on my plate (or ask for a box if I'm at a restaurant) and eat later (like at home).

  2. I know a lot of vegans, vegetarians, seafood/shellfish only eaters, no red meat eaters, regular diet folks and when we all get together some feel the need to change what they are going to have out of respect for the vegans & veggians.

    These ways to eat come from either religious/cultural upbringing or life choice.  The reasons for not eating meat are quite valid, but most of the folks that choose these diets/lifestyles also have a desire for compassion for others. (mostly).

    Be compassionate, and honest.  If your friends like to eat steak tar-tar then maybe you should suggest other venues to eat in.

    Or do what I do - cook for people, show them that vegan, veggian meals don't have to mean the "grilled veggie sandwich with alfafa sprouts" or that the food has to always have brown rice or served cold.  Educate them by making them fantastic dishes that are filling, tasty AND without meats.

    You will open their eyes (stomachs) to a healthier alternative without "preaching" and you will enjoy the meal as well.

  3. the smell really bothers me...gross...

    we live in an apt complex so the BBQ's will be out soon...smells like burnt goat or whatever they are doing is really bad!!

    every Thurs where the Mr.  works they have an employee BBQ, he holds his breath and goes out side to eat...rain or shine...and the place smells the rest of the day...

    he works with one guy who's favorite sandwich is beef toungue....ick..another reason to eat outside...

  4. nope. cow and piggie parts are scrumptious!!

  5. No, I dribble a bit and say, 'can I have some'

  6. Yes, this has happened to me a few times- especially when it's beef- that thing is completely red before it's cooked and then I see them bite into it when it is cooked and the "juices" run out and all that goes through my head is, "Yuck, she is eating a piece of a cows muscle and now the blood is running down her cheek."  I have to quickly divert my attention to something else and  be glad that I do not eat that stuff.  I then try very hard to focus on the smells and looks of my own food, or strike up an interesting conversation so that I do not have to think about what it is that this other person is eating.

  7. Honestly, yes.  I just try not to think about it.

    I draw the line when it comes to restaurants.  There are some places (anywhere that serves ribs, for example) I simply will not go into.  My husband and I only eat at Indian/Israeli/vegetarian restaurants now.

  8. No way I am a meat eater all the way I love burgers, steak, pork chops, turkey, ham, I love it all.  In fact I am getting ready to eat chicken now!  Heck I even love hot dogs!

  9. Yes ...... That would bother me ...... but its good your sticking to your veggie ways :]

  10. even as a vegitarian i do crave meat sometimes , its not the look or smell of it that puts me off its the principle and i feel sick knowing that i would be eating something that once had life

    but i dont particilarly think that everyone shoudl stop eating meat because certain animals are bread for that purpose and not killing them would mean being over run in them and would effect the economy and whatnot

    but sometimes when people eat meat i just ignore it , you cant expect people not to eat it around you because they have every right , so i would say just ignore it theres not much you can do really .

  11. I don't know how you vegans do it, honestly.... but I am a vegetarian and usually I don't lose my appetite when I see someone eating meat. But one time my boyfriend was eating raw steak and it was disgusting!! But I think that we should not be rude to people who eat meat because it is their choice on what they eat, just like it is our choice. I do admit sometimes, I think what they eat is disgusting..... I just try not to think about it and mind my own business I guess...

  12. I just try really hard not to think of the animal that was living before it became their meal. The smell doesn't really bother me.....yet, but now that you've brought it to my attention, it probably will!

    I really wonder why flesh eaters are answering your question, since it is not directed to them!?!

  13. I would try to just live with it. You can not change everyone just because you don't like meat. Just understand that most people in USA eat tons of meat and that this is the norm for most people... unhealthy but normal for them.

  14. Actually, I avoid those situations to the best of my ability. The smell of flesh foods cooking literally makes me queasy. There is an Indian restaurant at the corner that has fairly good food but I cannot go there because they bring sizzling chicken to the table as you sit down and the smell of it just is overpowering. Worse, the fat is in the air and I can taste it. My mouth feels greasy with chicken fat. It is awful. So I decline invitations to go there and try to direct my friends to the satvic (pure vegetarian) Indian restaurant fifteen minutes away instead. If that doesn't work, I stay home where the food is better anyway!

  15. I'm not a vegan, but my close friend is. I asked her about this once. She said that she pretends that the meat is a fruit or vegetable. I asked her once if she would mind if I ordered  steak while we were dining. She told me to go ahead, she'll pretend it's eggplant. Of course she knew it was really meat, but she was fine thoughout the meal. Sometimes you just gotta play mind games with certain things in life.

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