
Do you lose your autonomy in a long-term relationship? ?

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Do you lose your autonomy in a long-term relationship? ?




  1. I have 2 kids and couldn't tell you what autonomy is any more.  I have since divorced and 1 child has moved out.  The problem is now that the other is getting older I need to figure out who I am for the first time in years.

  2. Not really you share the autonomy by making decisions together.

  3. it can happen, you have to fight for your autonomy

  4. yes!! omg yes!! i hate it.

    erm... thexfile - sharing autonomy is the same thing as losing autonomy.......  i have a great dictionary and thesaurus set here. perhaps you'd care for a copy?

  5. Not if you don't want to.

  6. I think you lose as much as you ALLOW yourself.

  7. no.

  8. yes

  9. I definitely think that losing your autonomy is a choice. I choose to keep mine. Having kids does not mean you are no longer autonomous.

    From Wikipedia:

    Autonomy (Greek: Auto-Nomos - nomos meaning "law": one who gives oneself his/her own law) is the right to self-government. Autonomy is a concept found in moral, political, and bioethical philosophy. Within these contexts, it refers to the capacity of a rational individual to make an informed, uncoerced decision. In moral and political philosophy, autonomy is often used as the basis for determining moral responsibility for one's actions.

  10. Yes. You are trading your independence for the experience of sharing your life with another.

  11. Yes.  And when you have kids, you forget that the word autonomy even existed.

  12. yes...and your money, and your mind.

  13. I don't even know what autonomy means, so I looked it up, and I found a thing about nature.  I'm only thirteen.  I don't know what that means yet!  

  14. i am  autonomytically correct

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