
Do you lose your tan if you shower in the same day that you go tanning?

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If you shower when you get home from tanning, does it affect the tan at all?




  1. Most tanning salons say to wait at least two hours before showering after tanning.

  2. Well... it is possible.  But as long as you're not scrubbing hard, it will take months to lose your tan.  To better keep your tan, it's best to moisturize everyday, and don't use harsh abrasives on your skin.

  3. no, but if you use tanning lotion, you should wait at least 2 - 3 hours after your tan so the lotion has time to "set" your tan.

    (You didn't mention whether you used tanning beds or just lie in the sun). Hope this helps!  

  4. If you exfoliate your skin yeah you can, cause your scraping of the skin cells that just got tanned.  

  5. If you go spray tanning, a shower would probably affect the tan. But for regular tanning, a shower won't take the tan away at all. In fact, it's probably a good idea to rinse off that nasty sweat you get while tanning. (And everyone else's nasty sweat that wasn't cleaned off the bed properly before you got in.) :)

  6. nope. it doesnt

    i tan outside tho.

    oh and make sure you shave any hair that you usually shave before you go tanning, cause if you come home and shave your taking the top layer of your dead skin off and thats where most of the tan is. so shave before :)

  7. Yes, if you use a bronzer tanning lotion, you should wait about four hours before you shower to let it soak in for a longer lasting tan. Not to mention, if you are exfoliating by using and exfoliating scrub or loofah,  you are taking off the top layer of your skin and that can make it go away faster too.  

  8. Soap and hot water this will cause your skin to loose natural oils and your skin will dry which will fade your tan . After you shower use some lotion, they sell after sun tanning lotion that helps keep the skin healthy. Also don't burn your skin or you may loose it all! Once I had this uber-deep tan that peeled on my chest, I looked like a alien because it took all my tan off only in that area...gross.

  9. uhmm no.

  10. HA no :P

  11. i was always wondering that... cuz i think you scrub all of the skin cells off in the shower and if you tan then it could make you less tan... idk

  12. NOOO

  13. may seem like it though, but its just your body cooling from the water...the nest day your tan will look like its back, dont worry

  14. That would be impossible. It is fine to shower after spending time in the sun or under a tanning bed.  

  15. A tan is not like external body paint, it's not like the sun paints you with brown colour. A tan is a form of defense your body creates to protect you from burns. This defense of production of melonin cells happens uderneath your epidermis, like your second or third skin layer. Therefore water can not wash away your tan. Feel free to shower, your tan is not going anywhere. But if you are worried about losing your tan, well just make sure your skin is frequently exposed to UV rays...witch promotes your skin to keep producing the defensive colour.

  16. it it wont :)

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