
Do you love Great Britain or are you just here for what you can get ?

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Do you love Great Britain or are you just here for what you can get ?




  1. There is no better place like home.

  2. I am british but grew up elsewhere. my heart will never never be here. i hate it, the people are diferent and the weatehr sucks. i am here long enough to get an educationa dn then im off. such a claustraphobic country

    its actually really sad because i have met some decent people its just the drnken louts and teenagers who hang out in the streets that darkend my vision.

    i really hate this place it doesnt come close to home.

    sorry guys but you dont make it an easy place to love

  3. I'm Italian, and I love too much UK, I've some english friend, and I learning english, I really love this wonderful country and I hope one day too come there !!!

  4. Lived here all my life,  worked all my life and paid all my taxes..  OK now a pensioner,  but still pay income tax and council tax.  The pension I consider I have paid for in a lifetime of contributions   So do not  consider myself a scrounger  like a lot of others.

  5. Am just ere cos I was born ere unfortunatly

  6. I'm a Brit and I left. Enough said.

  7. Why blame the immigrants? If they are allowed to come here and take what's made available then they will. If you want to put a stop to the problem and regain control of your own country, then you should vote the problem away. Massive protest votes to the British National Party would wake the other parties up to the fact that you don't like what they are doing. If you don't like the idea of the EU forcing us to leave our borders open then vote away from the EU!! Give your vote to UKIP if you're going to vote for one of the three main parties then please stop moaning about mass voted it in yourself .

  8. I was born in England before the start of WW2 and can remember when the war finished and there were shortages and rationing of almost everything.

    I worked hard all of my life and expect very little from my beloved country,  except a safe environment in which to live, medical treatment should I require it, to be able to speak my mind without the threat of prosecution and very little else.

    Since Blair came to power, all of these things have gone by the board and we are now being polluted by hundreds of thousands of foreigners  who have given nothing to the country and are coming here to take benefits that should go to British people.

    And bollocks to these British Muslims and British this that and the other.

    They are all foreigners that a couple of generations ago, the British would have smacked their ar*es and sent them packing to where they belong, which is anywhere other then here.

    I couldn't envisage living elsewhere than in Englands green and pleasant lands.

  9. I am a Brit through and through and I wouldnt like to live anywhere else in the world.

  10. I'm a born and bred brit and I'm here for the stupidly high house prices - as soon as the mortgage is paid, I'm off!!!!

    Buy myself something bigger and better in a nicer country!!!

  11. Yeah I really loved the Thatcher era, no jobs, high unemployment, huge swathes of industry being needlessly shut down. Then the recession that followed, people living in cardboard boxes etc. Living in cold damp housing, cold miserable weather, poor customer service, the culture of the individual and the demise of the family. Yobs on the street vandalising and murdering.

    Yeah I really love this country!

  12. I was born in the UK and I hate it, but I'm not here to get what I can, I'm stuck here wishing I could get out to a better country.

  13. the grass is always greener on the other side, i love Britain although i don,t live there anyore , i wish i could move back, people should love their country more and do something instead of complaing all the time

  14. i am a brit and to say are we here for what we can get, what do us brits get absolutly nothing it all goes to the foreigners thats why they are here

  15. This is a well worded question.  Its fifty-fifty for me.  This country has some truly awesome natural geography, great museums and historical sites; the old wartime airfields of Lincolnshire are truly amazing to visit, Hadrian's (sp) Wall, the Scottish highlands, The Welsh Brecons, the home counties (for that old english village sort of history, the list goes on and on.   Another thing is the multi-culturalism.  I am very proud to be born and brought up in a country with such an eclectic mix of nationalities.  People whine about immigration, but its this immigration that makes us British, as it has been in our history for centuries!

    But when it comes to everthing else (Public Services, Government etc) it seems this country is, in places, beginning to fall apart somewhat.  So in a way it has pushed people into a state of survival based upon your own needs and nothing else i.e why vote, they aren't going to change anything etc.  So yeah, I am partly here for what I can get, but this is just human nature, is it not?

  16. With all my heart.

    'Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,'

  17. I assume you are addressing your question to immigrants?  I suppose some of those from the Commonwealth with centuries long connection to Great Britain may have some feelings towards us.They have such names as Winston" and "Nelson" I cant see how people from such places as Poland etc,can think all that much of us?

  18. I am british white female.

    The reason I am here has nothing to do with choice.

    I don't think I love "Great Britain" but I love my home.

    There is a difference.

  19. I'm British and proud of it! So proud of it in fact that I joined the Royal Air Force 6 & 1/2 years ago and am still proudly serving. I have no intentions of ever leaving the UK and I honestly see those people who expatriate to places like Spain as deserters.

    DaveyMcB sums it up perfectly!

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