
Do you love Palin or hate Palin?

by Guest31773  |  earlier

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Either way- read this article and tell me what you think.

Can you really relate to her views? As a woman, I am not ready to give up any of my rights.




  1. I love her, and I agree with her views.  there will always be leftist blogs and rightist blogs.  This one is a lefty....gotta love freedom of speech, it sparks debate and we should feel blessed to have it.  She would fight for that right.

  2. I don't like her because she stands for everything I detest.

  3. LOVE Palin.

    By the way, overturning Roe vs Wade would not mean that abortion would be banned, it would return the question back to the states where it belongs.  STATES RIGHTS are important unless you like a huge centralized government.  

  4. Killing babies is not a right, it is a holocaust.

    I think Palin is a great Conservative and one of the few things John McCain has done that inspires confidence.

  5. I'm a Democrat, voting for Obama, and my opinion on Sarah Palin can best be summed up by:  LOL

  6. I love her. I don't believe in murdering babies either.

  7. She's not very attractive.

  8. As a mother who values the life of our unborn and feel they have a right to life and be protected....I LOVE Sarah Palin. It is about time a woman rises in politics who doesn't support Abortion on demand.

  9. Neither.

    OBAMA '08!

  10. Please dont vote for her just because she has a v****a..

  11. Neither.  No, I don't relate to her views.

  12. It's a provocative article and hits on some of the reasons why Palin isn't suitable for the position.  I don't know that I hate her, I certainly don't love her except as a fellow member of the human race.  I don't know that endorsing her or not will cause you to cede any of your rights.  Sarah Palin is simply a righ-wing nutjob that has next to zero experience for the job, albeit one with a ton of extra baggage.

  13. Neither but she wouldn't be a good VP or President!  

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