
Do you love funny American justice system?

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Clinton lied under oath, He was impeached. bush lied to the entire country, he is going home ( Texas) free.




  1. Be gone child, you're annoying the adults

  2. With Scrooge?

    Laughing all the way?

    In making this world a better place to live?

    Why not?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  3. And the justice department can do mass firings of people based on political veiws.  Thanks Alberto!  Weeeeee.

  4. And Pelosi gets off free, as does Hillary, Bill, Howard Dean, Madeline Albright and many Dems.

  5. Dont stress over such petty thing. American have grown to not trust their leaders.

    Look at it this way, most of the people in Congress, lie, cheat (affairs), steal, and make the government more corrupt then it already was when they first took over...... Americans dont seem to care much about that stuff.

    Instead we seem to care who is on the fron page of Cosmo, or who Britney and Lindsey f'ed!

    Our nation is lacking in the area of Intelligence.

  6. War is good. s*x is bad.

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