
Do you love how McCain's VP pick has overshadowed Obama's tearjerker last night?

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Do you love how McCain's VP pick has overshadowed Obama's tearjerker last night?




  1. It has?

    Hate to break it to you but most of us were not surprised that McCain made his choice today or that is was a female.

  2. It should. It's FAR more important to find out who our next VP will be than listen to yet ANOTHER empty, hollow speech in front of a larger crowd of homeless people.

  3. If you do "love" it, I think there is something terribly wrong with your priorities and political insight.

  4. Maybe now pretty boy Obama will realize hes in the wrong career and quit trying to play with the big boys and go home now. The front lines in Iran need a target

  5. I expected that to happen, but it's really annoying me that no network is televising the actual speeches , rather than just commentating on the speeches as they are happening.

  6. NOPE, not in the least.

  7. Geez some of you must be as delusional as McCain if you think this distracted anything away from Obama's speech and the events of the DNC. Not on the news boardcast I saw, they annonced and moved on to better things. Like they just said on the TV she was a mayor of a town of 9,000 (my church has a larger congregation then that). She is a Governor for only 18 months (not years as in plural as in more than 1, but months) from a state so small it probably has a larger caribou population than it has people. She's a mother of a down's syndrone infant baby that's she'll be leaving on the campagin trail, great decision making abilities so far! Yes lets be pro-choice have the baby and just don't raise the child, never mind he has special needs. Just pump your breast milk and mail it in and let someone else raise it.

    No national experience at all. No Washington experience. Never functioned in the national spotlight. Obama sits on the US Senate Foreign Relations Comittee. Coupled with Obama's judgement, leadership, adaptability, diplomacy, intellect, self-discipline,  negotiation skills, organization skills, temprament .all of which Obama has demonstrated to America.

    Don't even mention what Biden brings to the table there are so many categories we know nothing about this woman. A true insult to woman and especially to Hillary voters.  the Old fool is ridiculous is smells of desperation, it has nothing to do with her ability or experience. It’s so obviously he's desperate, does Hillary’s dismayed supporter's mean so much to him b/c he doesn't have the confidence in his own ability? Yes that's exactly what it means. He's scare, and frankly after the last 8 years of bad decisions, If i were him I'd be scared too..

    But McCain was a lackluster student who finished fifth from the bottom of a class of 800. He was a carouser, womanizer, adulterer, left his crippled first wife, divorced her in April and married Cindy in June of the same year. C'mon folks. Sure he really supports women's issues, NOT. If i were Cindly I'd be concerned, cuz if he cheated with her on the first wife, he'll do it to her with this VP pick. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. He has flip-flopped on nearly every single issue that has come up in the primaries and now, and the press continues to give him a 'hall pass' as if he's some sort of Demi-God.. Regardless of what he says, all he represents is four more years of GW Bush, assuming he can remember what he said about that.

    His age is a REAL reality and to take this decision of a VP pick, that lightly is very irresponsible, just to win votes. He doesn't even know her the committee picked her by telephone interview. HOW WISE of a decision WAS THAT? He doesn't know this woman, yet he chose her. That's crazy!

    McCain has bet the farm (one of them anyway) on the stupidity of the American woman. He's betting that a woman, any woman, will do. He's betting that no one will notice or care that he has just contradicted everything his campaign has said about the importance of experience. He's betting that Palin's beauty-pageant looks will distract us all from her positions on the issues.

    Of course it would not have occurred to McCain that underestimating people's intelligence is not a good way to win their votes. He obviously didn't think it was possible to underestimate our intelligence. McCains pick for VP is an insult to the American people . Not take this important position seriously is so disrespectful and frightening, he is 72 and a cancer survivor ,she has ZERO experience. This country is in trouble on every front, but it is apparent he does not think so. This is ploy to take the lime light away from Obama and the DNC, it didn't work are you kidding me LOL they only distraction was people saying "Sarah WHO?""..let the Bull*shist begin.

  8. Obama was brilliant!

    McCain's choice is not.


  9. Yes,I do.  And the Obamabots are freaking out.

  10. I don't think it really has. So my answer is no.

  11. I find it rather amusing of the neanderthal republicans main argument of Palin being the best candidate is based on how "hot" she is.

    No wonder this country has gotten so screwed up in that last eight years.  

  12. I think it is great.  For the first time in my adult life I am really proud of a VP pick.

  13. Ring - ring, reality calling.  

    In the real world, McCain's pick of a less than one term Governor with hardly any previous political background effectively defuses his single biggest attack on Senator Obama - lack of experience.

    Don't misunderstand me - I think that she may make a good President if she and McCain win and he croaks with a few months. She appears to have shown good judgment and is known as a whistle-blower (against leaders of her own party, yet - very impressive).

    How can Senator McCain argue with a straight face that Senator Obama is 'not ready to be President' when his own running mate has less experience than his opponent?

    Oh, and the 'spin' that she is a Governor and that experience is worth more than legislative experience is simply that - spin. She was mayor of a podunk town of less than 10K, and has been Governor for less than two years. However, her second-place finish for Miss Alaska (and getting Miss Congeniality) probably counted highly in the Senator's decision-making process.

    I am really looking forward to the debates.

  14. yes because Palin can get the job done he could not have picked better.

  15. It just goes to show you that the average american is more impressed with a Milf...than "Change"...

  16. Karl Rove tactics.  This is verrrry temporary.

  17. Overshadowed how? Because he picked a VP. Big deal. Changes nothing. He's still going to loose. But go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need too. As has been the practice of Republicans for 8 years now.

  18. It has disarmed Biden AND shown the Dems picked a DC INSIDER.. and the GOP didn't -- this is amazing...

    It could very well, be an INSPIRED CHOICE:

    - It flies in the face of the Conservatives -- and yet, she IS Conservative herself. Moderates & Democrats eyes have opened, with this.. and it shows, along with Condi Rice that its the GOP that takes chances, not the Dems (Biden wasn't exactly an inspired, innovative choice, you know).

    1-- She's ideal -- a Woman, first of all that's an Executive, Governor, MOTHER (a real one, and not a play-for-camera's type, like Hillary), a loving wife (again, need I say more re: Billary?).. has 4 kids.. and is someone that EVERY suburban/rural mother across America can relate to (just you wait). She's going to settle Biden's bluster -- because she's NOT the easy-target of a Romney, a cartoon character vs. her.. she's NOT DETACHED.

    -- She knows what's what with RAISING A FAMILY.

    -- She's very attractive -- and young. Suddenly, the entire face of this election is turned UPSIDE DOWN. It's not WHITE & MALE.. it's "Women vs. Biden" as it's "Experience vs. Obama".. Listen -- I still don't know WHY and WHO I'm voting for. but this choice, is excellent and shows that McCAin was actually MORE INDEPENDENT in this thinking that even Obama was -- and shows Biden exposed as a DC INSIDER and old Dem wonk vs. an OUTSIDER... and mavericks..

    -- How outside of DC is Alaska!!!!!

  19.   He did a big mistake so it will cost him a election.  I guess that what you do when you get burned by Obama last night.

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