
Do you love j cuervo?how a henney?

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who the one love this name?




  1. 1800 tequila or some Cabo Wabo. Cuervo just hurts

  2. Cuervo is c**p,  I love making fun of the "I love 1800" drinkers who think it's good tequila.

    Patron Anejo.  Try THAT, then tell me 1800 rocks and I'll knock your teeth out.

    And for all those 1800 lovers out there...if it makes you wanna puke when you swallow it, it ain't good tequila.

  3. Jose Cuervo eh, no thanks, I have family in Mexico (and not San Miguel de Allende mind you) so I like a good tequila. Herradura is my favourite - especially the Anejo.

  4. Jose cuervo is a c**p tequila......try better things

  5. hendo(henney) for me. mmmmmmmm....... dang just makin me thristy now. hahahha

  6. No need to kick a dead horse anymore so I will just add that a glass of Hennessey XO sounds pretty good right now.

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