
Do you love me if so how much???

by  |  earlier

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  1. with every drop of rain falls,with every star that rises in the night,with every breath you take,just keep in your mind that i love you and my love to you will never ever fade away,ill love you more each and everyday !

  2. Love can be defined and felt quite differently by everyone.  That said, it depends on who you ask, what their definition is, and the capacity of their emotions.

    For me, I do not know you....which is how and what I personally need to explore the feelings of love.  And to what level my feelings exist as a human loving another.  So, no, I do not love you; I do not know you.

    However, I'm sure you are a loveable person and deserving of such; we all many people in our lives at different time and in different ways.  :)

    So profound, aren't I? :) haha

  3. dont ask me if i love you.....i dont even know you......d**k face!!!

  4. Thanks for loving me but,I don't love you,if I did,my dog would be very jealous.

  5. your pretty but i dont love u

  6. yes from the earth to the ground


  7. nope but thx for the points

  8. sure..

    how much?


    99.999999999 %


  9. i don't even know you..... So no i don't love you...

  10. I can't love someone until I really know them

  11. I dont love you,as such, but that doesn't mean we cant have hot dirty s*x, does it ?

  12. I love you dear very much but how to tell you the intensity of my love, you have to understand it yourself

  13. yea of course

  14. Depends on whether or not you're my type!  Be specific!  Send a source link with your image (as long as it doesn't redirect to the homepage where it tells you to sign in or sign up).

  15. umm... no

  16. From here to eternity

  17. yes....just a little one ounce...well half an ounce

  18. no.  

  19. lol ... random

  20. With all my heart and all my soul

    To the moon and back,

    You are my coal,

    You make me feel alive,

    When i am sped,

    You keep my burning,

    When i'm nearly dead,

    I'm so glad i met you,

    On that cold, cold day,

    You brought out the sun,

    And warmed up my day,

    I love you some much,

    Some much more than before,

    And now i long,

    To see you even more.

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