
Do you love <span title="eggs?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?">eggs?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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  1. Birds typically love their eggs more than they love their friends.  It is as if the chicks are already real to the parents.

  2. Great question. I love eggs, and I thought I might be the only one who did. lol Ever since I was a kid, I have always thought they were so mysterious, and I&#039;ve always loved searching for them. Even collecting eggs from our chickens, and finding hidden nests at my grandparents&#039; place brings back great memories. The chickens used to make nests in a lot of places where you&#039;d never look, so sometimes there would be about five eggs there before I&#039;d find them. Finding wild bird nests and seeing the eggs, and then seeing the chicks develop was always exciting as well.

    No matter how many eggs I see, they never lose their mystery to me. Now that I&#039;ve written all that down, I&#039;m wondering if I&#039;m a bit weird, but I had so many fun experiences that included eggs when I was a kid....I guess that&#039;s why I feel that way about them.

    I just thought about the possibility that your question might be asking whether people love eggs to eat. I like eating eggs as well. :)

  3. No.

  4. I like eggs....Lol I think her name was Debbie from the Amanda Show whos aid that.

  5. thrgehtrehtb

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