
Do you love the fact the Sarah has more executive experience than 143 day Hussein & Bideen have combined ?

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Do you love the fact the Sarah has more executive experience than 143 day Hussein & Bideen have combined ?




  1. Yes I do. She is a perfect choice. McCain/Palin '08

  2. she is also smarter and better looking

  3. Yes I do. Libs don't because facts are like kryptonite to them.

  4. Sorry but Alaska is about as out of touch with the rest of the United States as McCain is with most Americans


  5. Oh wow a mayor of like Wasilla, Alaska and she has been a governor for a year and a half, she is very experienced. Joe Biden has been a senator since 1973, and Do you really think it matters that Barack Obama's middle name is Hussein. Biden is going to blow Palin away in the VP debates

  6. I love the fact that she said no to the bridge to nowhere.  I love the fact that she has gone after corrruption in the GOP with a vengeance.  I am not in love with your name calling the opposition.  It reflects badly on the way your mother raised you.  

  7. Whoa...Barack Obama's middle name is Hussein? That's the same name as the guy who had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11! Wait until everybody in my banjo class hears about this...  

  8. "She has not been tested!"

    As usual, the hardcore Obama supporters miss the point.  

    Her experience as being the person who makes decisions and gets things done is what being "executive" is all about.  That's what the Presidency is all about.  

    While Biden is supposed to help cover for Obama's total lack of experience (he doesn't, actually, since he's never had any "executive" experience, either),  Palin illustrates his TOTAL lack of qualifications.

    All Obama has left is "change", and picking a man that's been in DC for 36 years to help bring "change" doesn't exactly coincide with that.

    I think people are going to figure that out soon enough.  

  9. Executive experience in Alaska?  Is that like telling the polar bears to go eat out of the neighbors trash cans, not the governor's ones?  Mayor of Wisilla and governor of Alaska for less than two years makes her qualified for not much.  

  10. I think its an interesting fact, but its not germane to the race since she isn't running for president. The fact that they are attacking her just proves that she scares the holy h**l out of them.  

  11. My old high school principal has more executive experience than she does.

  12. There is no doubt, nor can anyone make the argument that Sarah has accomplished more in time in government then obama has.  The facts just do not speak to it.  Biden has been a senator for what 24 years, yet he has no record of working with the other side, or formulating very much legislation on his own.  He was just a good democre who didn't make waves.  Something that this country needs right now.   John Mccain has always been a reformeer, but when your in the senate, your power is limited, but as President he will represent one branch of power until himself and would be in a better position to make these reformes.  There is no doubt in my mind that McCain/Palin is the best choice right now, unless someone on the Obama side can point to some great accomplishment to date he has made.  

  13. Obama BiNLAden

  14. Yes, and it is great having her on board.  I am proud of John McCain and making this dynamite woman the choice for his VP!


  15. She has not been tested! Eight years as a mayor of a city with 9,800 and less than two years as a governor of a state with 600K. Give me a break!  

  16. She is Governor of a small state.  This was enough experience for Democrats when Clinton, Dukakis and Carter ran for president, but is not enough for Palin to run as VP.    Typical astounding liberal hypocrisy again.

  17. You mean Obama can't simply vote "present" as an executive?  Two years in a governor's mansion trumps 6 in the congress every time.  Ask former governor Gray Davis .. he certainly couldn't just vote "present".

  18. NO, but I do love the fact that she should be at the top of the republican ticket.  Her vast executive experience completely over shadows mccains.

  19. John McSame doesn't have any executive experience.

  20. I love it,


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