
Do you love this life on earth?

by  |  earlier

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or do you feel life has been too cruel to you?




  1. Sometimes i love it and then sometimes i wish i would die.. but in the end you just gotta have some patience's and say "Alhamdulliah"..:)

  2. a little bit of both there are times i wish i could just rewind and do it over.......

  3. i am very satisfied with my life!

    sure its not perfect, but my attitude toward everything is positive so that it keeps me a happy person. Its not right to complain about the petty things so i use each day to count my blessings. doing that makes me thankful to what a great life i have compared to millions of people who dont have half of what i have.

  4. i have to love . earth is the bridge to here after

  5. I look around and thank the Lord for this world and for his mercy that endureth forever. (No one said it was going to be h****y dorey everytime)

  6. I don't love life very much but its good!

    You know God gives every one, everything after a calculation of how mch can the person I don't really think its too cruel to me......when my clothes are old....I must think of those who don't have enought o cover their bodies out of bad weather!

    when I have not a decent meal I have to think of those who have to starve countless nights....

    and when I think there is too much of exams on me of I should think of Ayyub(as) and his body ful of insects.

  7. Alhamdulillah His decree is just upon me though I may not be able to comprehend it Right this moment in time. I have had many test in life but Indeed Allah tests those who he loves more, and we only need to be Steadfast and overocme the problems

  8. Islam doesn't say to hate this life. Love this life but don't forget the life hereafter which is your permanent life, and to earn that, you have to enjoy less in this world and submit more to God. But there's far much greater enjoyment in submitting oneself to God.  

  9. life is cruel brother

    my camel run with jews camel.  i love one baki girl very very much but no one helb me.  my question get reported.  i am very ubset.  life is cruel

  10. Yes as a matter of fact I do love life very much.


    where is your toy gun Arash hehe

  11. there is always someone who is worse off. and i love this earth and my life, when i see my baby smile, when the sun shines and when the night sky is full of beautiful bright start. always look for the best. and when u feel bad help someone who is worse..then u will be blessed.  salam

  12. Life on earth is hard yet rewarding, (even if the reward may be in the next life). I don't love it because there are so many bad things in this world, but I am content with whatever Allah swt has given me. If life is sometimes cruel, well it's just a test, and inshallah I'll pass!

  13. A little of both for me. But if I had never faced adversity, how would I know I could overcome it?

  14. cant it be both?

  15. guess I love it and hate it some times, there are moments I thank god for my life and then others that have been so hard I cant understand it. But guess that is how life is some times it's good some times not so good, hopfully we learn from it all and enjoy the time we have on earth

  16. I do love this life as it is a gift from Allah.

    But I love the next life more as paradise is an eternal gift from Allah :)

    love for all, hatred for none

  17. Life has been good to me so far.  I'm always thankful for what I have.  

  18. alhamdulillahi ala kulli haal. praise be to allah in every situation

  19. This is the day the Lord has made,

    I am glad and rejoice in it!!

    This is also how I feel,

          Though the fig tree does not bud

           and there are no grapes on the vines,

           though the olive crop fails

           and the fields produce no food,

           though there are no sheep in the pen

           and no cattle in the stalls,

           Yet I will rejoice in the LORD,

           I will be joyful in God my Savior.

  20. Every day is another day closer until I return to Him (InshaAllah), how could I ever love this life?

    Life has been what Allah(swt) has decreed for me. I am not to say cruel, just my destiny by His will.

  21. too cruel

  22. i don't like this life because of my freakin mom.

  23. i think is been cruel and good

  24. don't try to wash my brain brother lol.

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