
Do you love your birthday weather the best?

by Guest58136  |  earlier

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I am an August baby and August is by far my most comfortable month. I love everything about the weather and could live in it year round.

Does anyone else have this preference for their birth month?




  1. I don't, my birthday is in the late winter/early spring and it is always slushy, cold, damp and it sometimes snows. I hate the weather around my birthday.    

  2. Yep, July is the warmest month.

  3. We tend to associate our birthdays and the seasons. I like my winter birthday. However, I like the four seasons just the same. If it is not your birthday today, what do you think of the weather right now separate from your birthday? August is a hot month, but also nice evenings. Hot days are ok... especially in the winter when we crave them... in the summer we tend crave cooler days. August is a transition month with the promise of the cooler weather to come. The now is all you have. Enjoy it and happy happy birthday to you.

  4. i love may cause the rain ! and the flowers begin to bloom. i love the rain  and all its perks. it makes me want to settle down on a couch and read a book. it also is relaxing to hear when you go to bed. i also enjoy watching the storms the sky lights up in a million different colors.

  5. Mid January? I don't think so. Although I did love to ski in the winter until I smashed up my leg (skiing).

  6. I was born in December and that is my favorite month.  The sky is so beautiful for stargazing.  This time of the year is the worst for stargazing.

  7. Mine is in the middle of June, I couldn't ask for better weather.

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