
Do you love your cat?

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Give an example of Why?

I have three.




  1. There's no "reason" that I love my cats, but here are some things I love about them:

    Some things I love about Oliver:

    He loved me before he died

    He was always willing to cuddle when I wanted to, he always understood me

    Some things I love about Sassy:

    she's literally been for me whenever I cried

    She is a very loving cat

    Some things I love about Domino:

    I don't really know, but sometimes he cuddles.  Although he's usually not very huggable, I love him to pieces.  Same with Sassy and Oliver.

    I miss Oliver so much.  He got hit by a car a few years ago, and I'm still not over it.

  2. I have seven cats and love them all. They are wonderful. My best friends.  

  3. i got 2 cats.  i love em both soo much.  the one named ralphie is more shy, but loves to play.  the other one named scout is really nice and loves to cuddle and give hugs.  lol so yeah i love em both

  4. I have 2 cats and I love them both too much for words.

    They are always there when I need them and would never hurt me. They offer unconditional love and they never judge me or get mad at me. They are just the sweetest. They make me so happy and can cheer me up when I'm down. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

  5. I have 4 and love all of them.  They each have  very different personalities that all blend well together.

    Molly -  Moody

    Max - Love bug

    Sammy -  Demanding and very vocal

    Ralphie - Shy with the best purr in the world!

  6. NO, I cant stand my pet cat. He always takes my food, my catnip and my mice. Even takes attention away from me when my owner is around. He is a brat and should be put out at

    Of course as the owner is typing this, she spoils all of us and loves us unconditionally even when we don't use the litter box. She doesn't have enough time to do anything else...

  7. I just do! I'm not saying why because then you will just tease me!!

  8. yes I  love  my  kitty

  9. a matter of fact, i am quite fond of them..i have 2... they have been with me through thick and thin for many years now....

  10. I adore my cats...

    I love the sound of Fizzy's purr, and the way her belly feels all soft and warm when I cuddle her, and I love the way Sam throws my dog to the ground, wrestling style and bites her neck.

    A home is not a home without a cat :)~

  11. I love cats, that I can make purr.

  12. unconditional love. Cute and cuddly, living thing. :)

  13. Yes, I love them very much! I treat them like my babies. Spoiled rotten!

  14. What's there not to love.  He's adddddddorrrrrrrrrrrable!, cuddly, furry just like a teddy bear (I call him my live teddy bear), He's always happy, he makes me laugh and always cheers me up when I'm down, he just wants to be fed and loved, he's the cleanest cat in the world (when he spill some litter from his litter pan, he keeps sweeping with his paw and hides them behind the litter tray), he gives me wet nose kisses, and waits for me every morning outside of my room purring loudly then I start petting him and he starts l*****g me.  I miss him when ever I go somewhere and can't wait to get home to see him.  My babies are now all grown but he's like a baby who will always be my baby.

  15. I would step in front of a car for them     I have 11

  16. I love my cat as if she was my own child! I got her when she was just 3 weeks old so I literally had to do everything for her. Feed her with a bottle, rub her belly to make her go to the bathroom, then how to scratch in the litter box. According to the people I got her from, her mother would not let her nurse and since she was the runt she was too little to fight for the teet. So I had to do all the things her mother should have done b4 she was ready to leave the litter. I even had to socialize her which means teach her how to interact with other cats and people. So actually she thinks shes a person because a person raised her! She is now 11 years old and has expereinced everything a cat can go through. I love her dearly and even though she can be a booger sometimes (that people personality in her lol) I know she loves me too! So as to why I love her...she is a part of me!

  17. of course I love my meowzer. she is such a friendly kitty.

  18. CatS. I have 2.75 (baby kurt is missing a limb). And yes I love them, example why...I'll call out for them and they come running out of no wheres. Then I'll put my hand out and they will run their lil' bodies right under it for a quick pet (baby kurt will turn around real quick and nip at me). They are always happy to see me...

  19. Do I love my cats? >Gasp!<  How can I not?

    I have this sign on my front door. It states....."This house is owned & operated solely for the comfort & convenience of the CATS!"    And it is very true. My cats run this place. I wouldn't have it any other way.  

    I love my cats because they bring me laughter & joy. They really are my best friends. And beings I'm the "Crazy Cat-lady" of the neighborhood, I have plenty of furry formally feral feline friends;not to mention the two who reside inside the house.  Tiki is a Flame Point Siameese (oh spall chick where are you?) & he is The Boss. He was given to me as an adult cat,that's the reason behind his stupid name.  Dready is one of the kittens from a stray cat who had her babies under my house. His Momma "Madame Beautiful" is a sweet Calico. I had her spayed & found good homes for the rest of her litter.

          My neighbors occasionally ask me when I will stop feeding the strays, who always migrate to my place. (These fools complain about cat p**p in their yard) My standard answer is....."The day I die"   And even then, I wouldn't mind if my dead body was thrown into the Lion's cage at the zoo. h**l. I won't need it anymore, and the lions deserve a yummy treat.   I love cats! All cats. In fact.....I wish I was a cat. I would go spray all those cat haters cars.Meaw!

         Another reason I love my cats is.......Ya know what. They have great taste in music.  All these cats who hang out here love Bob Marley.  You can catch us "Jammin" with Bob & The Wailers everyday.

         Cats Rule!!

  20. Yes I do....

    She is sweet... unconditional love.

  21. Yes course i do

    shes adorable funny and cuddly

  22. They love me sooooooooooooooooooo much its hard not to love them.

  23. Yes, I love mine and all cats and animals. They are beautiful and pure of heart. A real cut above most people I know.
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