
Do you love yourself? What makes you love yourself?

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Do you love yourself? What makes you love yourself?




  1. Yes. It is part and parcel of God who is all Good and Love.

             Sukadeva Gosvami told Maharaja Parikshit that every living entity is actually most attached to his own self. Outward paraphernalia such as home, family, friends, country, society, wealth, opulence and reputation are all only secondary in pleasing the living entity. They please only because they bring pleasure to the self. For this reason, one is self-centered and is attached to his body and self more than he is to relatives like wife, children and friends. If there is some immediate danger to one’s own person, he first of all takes care of himself, then others. That is natural. That means he loves his own self more than anything else. The next important object of affection, after his own self, is his material body. A person who has no information of the spirit soul is very much attached to his material body, so much so that even in old age he wants to preserve the body in so many artificial ways, thinking that his old and broken body can be saved. Everyone is working hard day and night just to give pleasure to his own self, under either the bodily or spiritual concept of life. We are attached to material possessions because they give pleasure to the senses or to the body. The attachment to the body is there only because the “I,” the spirit soul, is within the body. Similarly, when one is further advanced, he knows that the spirit soul is pleasing because it is part and parcel of Krishna. Ultimately, it is Krishna who is pleasing and all-attractive. He is the Supersoul of everything. And in order to give us this information, Krishna descends and tells us that the all-attractive center is He Himself. Without being an expansion of Krishna, nothing can be attractive.

    Whatever is attractive within the cosmic manifestation is due to Krishna . Krishna is therefore the reservoir of all pleasure. The active principle of everything is Krñna, and highly elevated transcendentalists see everything in connection with Him. In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is stated that a maha-bhagavata, or highly advanced devotee, sees Krishna as the active principle in all movable and immovable living entities. Therefore he sees everything within this cosmic manifestation in relation to Krishna. For the fortunate person who has taken shelter of Krishna as everything, liberation is already there. He is no longer in the material world. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: Whoever is engaged in the devotional service of Krishna is already on the brahma-bhuta, [SB 4.30.20] or spiritual, platform. The very name Krishna suggests piety and liberation. Anyone who takes shelter of the lotus feet of Krishna enters the boat for crossing over the ocean of nescience. For him, this vast expanse of the material manifestation becomes as insignificant as the water in a calf’s hoofprint. Krishna is the shelter of all great souls, and He is also the shelter of the material worlds. For one who is on the platform of Krishna consciousness, Vaikuntha, or the spiritual world, is not far away. He does not live within the material world, where there is danger at every step.

    From the book, Krishna-the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

  2. yes I love myself a lot....because god made me in a good and nice way,I know I am good,no matter how someone try to answer this question thay will not truly answer this in the correct way,..because I am full of myself as a person and I just love me for me..  

  3. Yes I love myself.

    What makes me love myself????

    1. I was created by GOD in His likeness.

    2. No two people in this world have same finger prints. No two people in this world have same DNA sequence. It means that there wasn't one and never will be anyone like me.

    3. From the above point, it logically follows that each human being is unique. God has created each of us with a unique plan and PURPOSE.

    4. The world would be a much happier place if people loved themselves for who they are. Everyone wants to be either taller, fairer , shorter, darker, skinnier or stronger.

    Many want to be either talkative, extrovert, introvert, cool, or smarte. So people unceasingly struggle to change their appearance and their identity.

    5. People who pretend to be something when they're not, fail in life.

  4. If I cannot love myself I cannot love anyone in the world.

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