
Do you make LISTS? What would you make list of?

by  |  earlier

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Mine are all reminders.......

1. get out of bed

2. get washed and dressed

3. go to work

You know, important stuff I might forget, but what about you?




  1. I make lists like :

    a) drink beer

    b) nibble nuts

    c) smoke tab

    d) goto a

  2. Mostly about things I have to do while in town.......

    go to bank

    get groceries

    save enough money for gas or walk home

  3. I can usually manage those things without a list!  I make a list of what I'm going to do the rest of the day and then usually end up doing completely different things.

  4. I make so many lists that I end up having to make a list of my lists.

  5. My list consists of grocery items.

    Sad innit?

  6. mine r to rock

  7. Oh my Lord, I make list of almost everything...........I'm not supposed to?????????  There's no other way for me to make good use of my time.  I know I can forget even that I have to breathe, so better if I keep with my lists.........  ;-))

    BTW, yours is funny! (...and I think I'm the forgetful one)

  8. Stuff that needs doing or getting.

    A checkist for the man;






  9. I love lists.

    Usually what i need to get at the shops.

    Or what i need to alter about my life, before i turn 40.

  10. i make lists of stuff i need to do.

  11. I make shopping lists and leave them at home. Maybe I should make a list to remind me to take my list with me.....

  12. I've always made lists for the following days and points for meetings when i was working. It kept and keeps me focused otherwise i'd dream my days away!

  13. i make loads of lists they are all over the house and in my handbag

    it helps me to prioritize things

  14. Shopping Lists

    you know important things

    Lambrini and f**s

    oh and I also make a list of my kids names

    I'm always forgetting them

  15. My list is short,

    Must do my best at everything.

  16. - i do 'to do lists'

    1- tidy room

    2- buy presents

    3- return library books

    but i dnt do shoppin lists


  17. My hobby is making lists of CE users.

    I write them out in green ink.

    Sometimes I cover the lists in little lipstick kisses, other times I rip them up in a screaming fury whilst frothing at the mouth.

    I´m just starting a new one.....

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