
Do you make all visitors wash there hands before they touch your baby?

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Do you make all visitors wash there hands before they touch your baby?




  1. I didn't. I think it helps build the immune system. If someone is sick they don't touch him though.

  2. When i had my son 7 years ago you know i did not say to everyone "wash your hands before you hold him"...If i seen someone with dirty hands then i did. I just ain't a germ freak so i guess that is why i never went on like that. My son did not get sick though.

    There are good germs you know, they have to build up their immune system. You can't be a germ phobic all the time.

    I know some people that washes their hands all the time, uses that germx stuff constantly and they stay sicker than anyone i know. You can get sick from being to clean.

  3. For about the first 2 month I'm the most anal mother on the planet. i don't let anyone hold my baby w/out washing hands, and if you are not family or my best friend, don't ask to hold them, then answer is no! my youngest was in the NICU however for a couple of days due to a communication between my doc, my chars, and my baby's peds doc at the hospital. i had Group B strep and the peds doc thought i was not given antibiotics before the birth, so they admitted my son to the NICU and started treating him. they scared the c**p out of me! i've never been so upset...then my doc ends up tearing the peds doc a new one for the mix up and the stress it caused me. then we discovered that they NEVER put a tracking band on his ankle! ...i could have sued them. that tracking bracelet sets off an alarm if the baby is removed from the maternity ward w/out being released to me or my husband. anyone could have just walked out w/him and i wouldn't even have known.

    so...yeah i was super paranoid about everything w/him.

    i get over it in time. it's just be being momma grizzly. never fails i've done it with all of my kids. after i get over it i have 3 rules.

    1. wash your hands when you come in from outside. (holding baby or not)

    2. wash your hands after going to the bathroom. (holding baby or not)

    3. wash your hands after handling food. (holding baby or not)

    soap and water only. i do NOT allow hand sanitizer. there have been SO many poisonings due to that c**p w/small children. it's not safe. (google hand sanitizer poisoning please parents and read)

  4. when my son was first born yes, then after a month or so, I just started becoming more relaxed and realized that my baby needs to be exposed to germs so he can develop immunities toward sicknesses that are going around.  

  5. It may sound crazy and ppl may look at you like you are crazy, but it's not. It's very important that anyone who comes into contact with your baby has clean hands. You never know where their hands have been! I just keep a large bottle of sanitizer on the coffee table so anyone who wants to touch the baby and simply rub their hands together! That way it's not to much trouble for your guests and it's a lot healthier for your little one. Best of luck!

  6. I don't have any children, but my mother was always one to make sure we washed our hands before touching a new baby.

    So I would probably be the same way.

  7. no but in the beginning i think most people did it on their own...after the first month or so i didnt worry about it so much. i believe kids need to be exposed to 'germs' so their immune systems can build up enough to fight them off.

  8. When we first came home I had a bottle of Purell handy at all times and even kept one in the diaper bag. After awhile I loosened up a bit but 10 months later am still pretty big on handwashing although not as vigilant as I was when she was a newborn.  

  9. in the beginning  I have a nice big bottle of purell for people to use.

  10. In the beginning I did. My son was born in December so anybody could have picked up a virus and not know they had it.

  11. No. . .I did not wash my hands before every time I picked my kids up.  I think that some people get a little LOCO with the whole germ thing.  Being exposed to germs is what allows us to to build up our immunity which is a very good thing.  Now, if someone came to the house and their hands were dirty, that is a different story.

  12. Nah.. I wouldn't worry too much about it unless your baby has a compromised immune system or something.. Of course, if I knew someone had a cold or something, I didn't let them touch my kids.

  13. yes yes yes but it wasnt enough to stop her from catching salmonella last week.  Thank God she is on the mend and doing much better today but that is scary stuff!!  Everyone must wash their hands before coming near my child!!

  14. No, but we're sure to tell everyone who comes over that there is a giant bottle of hand sanatizer on the kitchen and bathroom sinks!

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