
Do you make faces while drawing?

by  |  earlier

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I know I do. When I'm really into something all sorts of weird expressions will show up on me, but luckily I'm always one inch away from the paper so it's not as easy to see (unless I'm drawing via tablet).

I also make all the expressions of the characters I draw, hahaha.

Anyone else with amusing habits while drawing?




  1. Uhh..I seem pretty normal when I draw. Nothing I noticed at least.

  2. Making faces? I should totally try that.

    For me, i use to always draw with the paper slanted diagonally to my vision. I don't know why, it just feels more comfortable.

  3. Shh I click on tongue

  4. Yeah. I also make the face I want to draw. Lol My freinds go:" WTF are you doing!?"

  5. I don't draw much but can I share that I do this while writing.

    My mum does strange stuff with her mouth while she's cutting out with scisors!

  6. I make the face of the character I'm drawing as well.  I think it's pretty common.  Lots of professional animators keep mirrors on their desks for this reason, so they can capture exactly what it looks like to make a certain facial expression.

    I cross my eyes a lot when I draw too, focusing and unfocusing my vision I find helps me to spot errors.

  7. well i hold my pencil/pen/brush/whatever weird. its hard to explain but i put my index and middle finger over the pencil and my thumb when i write and draw.

    I also just found out I talk to myself. I was drawing and my friend asked me if I was talking to myself. I sort of spazzed when I found out.

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