
Do you make up stories about random people you see in the street while people watching?

by  |  earlier

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i.e. building up a character profile of them, a happy person, lonely etc.




  1. Not always, but have done so ~ as a personal adjunct to  creative writing ~ a self constructed series of writing experiments ~ mental snapshots who Who I think they are / What they are like / Their jobs / Relationships and so on.

    It's a useful tool to see just how the way ones own mind works and to just how programmed we have become to making judgements upon others.

    It's quite harmless fun too ~ whilst being tax free ~ not illegal ~ cost nothing and is none fattening (unless we do it entirely sitting!).


  2. when im in the hospital, ive done that.

  3. Yes, I think it's common for people to do that.

  4. i think most people do

  5. Yes.  My hobby is writing and I find and develop characters from 'people watching'.

  6. No. But I have thought about it. I'm usually too busy.

  7. Of course!

    The sillier the better...

    It also is a good way to learn about yourself.

  8. No, never.  I like to people watch, but I don't make up any stories.

    I was out with my children the other day though and a family infront of me were doing that. They were watching people walk past and rating them out of ten and imagining what kind of house they lived in and where they were going later.  I found it a bit weird to be honest.

  9. yeah but only for people who look like they are having a bad day, not what they are like but what has got to them so much! also people on the phone, i try to figure the relationship to the person on the other end before they let slip who they really are :P

    people watching is what its called. thats why people like big brother and other reality t.v shows :)

  10. no

  11. No. That's how bad rumors can begin. I'm not into gossiping/rumors.

  12. Yes im glad im not the only one who does that.

    We like to guess their jobs etc too.

  13. I like to read their apparel, body language, manerisms and physical appearance to make predictions about their lifestyle or personality

  14. ummm yeah sometimez i will..

  15. It's a great way of passing the time while stuck in traffic.

    I usually wonder what the house looks like inside and "Who lives in a house like this?"

  16. no. would you like to build one of me?

  17. i do this ALL the time..

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