
Do you make your children do Housework?

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My son does the dishes and takes the trash out ,I think its ok for children to help out ,what do you think?




  1. definately!! i have 2 boys they load and un load the dishwasher and take out the trash help cook dinner we take turns my younger one is 8 and love making desserts any kind and my oldest is 10 and like to make dinner if we dont teach how to clean up after themseves and pitch in how will they make good husbands..i also pay them allowences $5 a week each and extra if they do other thing like raking up leaves or sweep the floors or something like that, and we have a dog so they clean up after him once a week, we made that arrangement before we got dog though. i also dont make them do chores on the weekend

  2. Sure! My kids  know we all have to pitch in to make our place a great place to live.

  3. Its my job to bathe and feed my two dogs. I help out by emptying the dishwasher. I clean my room and fix the beds. And I help out with whatever my parents ask me to help them with.

    I don't think its a bad thing. We weren't brought into this world to be lazy and watch our parents do all the work.

  4. Absolutely! Pretty much from the time they could move something from one place to the next. If they can move it, they can put it back. As young ones you have to go behind them, but as they get older you can raise the expectations.

    Their bedrooms are their space - I only ask that they keep them neat. Kitchen, you prepare something between meals, you clean up, no exceptions. After meal dishes whoever gets asked gets up, usually some form of rotation (there are seven of us) the rest of the house I usually take care of, but if they are in a common area, say with friends or just hanging out, they straighten it up and take their trash with them when they leave.

    My older Teens do their own laundry, I do it for my twelve year old but if she needs some single item like a shirt she just has to wear for this or that, she tosses it in the sink and washes it out.

    These things teach structure and responsibility and let them know that the world is not there to serve them - because it usually doesn't!

  5. I think its okay for them to help out but not to be forced to help out...I am going to make my daughter have chores, but not things that I myself shouild be doing but they have to have some sort of strictness or they will grow up careless

  6. No I don't think it is ok. Get a cleaner. Kids should be allowed to be kids and if they spend time doing anything, it should be their homework. I never did anything to help at home as a kid, and I am one of the most responsible and house proud people you could meet, never did me any harm. A couple of friends of mine, had to stay at home and do chores, one even had to keep house before she could attend school. There is no good reason to make kids do chores.

  7. I would like to have my boy help me with the dishes every other day but he has ADHD and finds stuff like that difficult.

    I just make sure he put's his own plates in the kitchen, tidies his own stuff, and put's washing in the laundry bin, that sort of thing and that's enough of a challenge.

    I reckon it's important that they do something so that they learn what it means to contribute to their household.

  8. Yes of course if you don't teach them responsibility they will grow up expecting you to do everything, a little light house work wont harm them!

  9. It is important we hold our children accountable and give them responsibilities.  They can help out around the house as they need to help earn their keep...we don't want to spoil them (well not too much) and giving them chores is the way.  My daughter has to do dishes.  One time she put them in the dishwasher without for a few weeks we made her wash them by hand.  Now she has no trouble loading the dishwasher and adding soap :-)

  10. Ya I had to.I have a five year old son and he has to feed his dog and helps out.He picks up his own room.I had to do things when I lived at home.It shows them to respect things and I think responsibility


  12. yeah, i think its fine, but just depends on ho old your children are.

  13. They should definitely help out, I agree. My kids take up the clean clothes baskets, put their clothes away, set the table, clear the dirty dishes, take out the trash, keep their rooms clean.

  14. yes, two things for each kid.

    i have six so i need help.

    i do most of the work but its nice to have some help.

  15. yes i do, and i was rewarded a few days ago with this:

    15 year old son: mom, i really like this girl, and I wanna be able to take care of her and make sure she has everything she wants in life.

    me: thats great. do you know that means you have to get a good job, which means that you have to get good grades now?

    him: yes, and i am gonna try hard in school.

    me: so what about when she wants your help with housework cuz she is working too?

    him: i'll do any housework she asks, except dishes. i HATE dishes.

    me: what if she is sick, and can't do them?

    him: they can wait til she is better.

    me: well, thats rude.

    him: i guess I could do them. HEY, is that why you always made me do dishes when i was younger???

    WHOO-HOO, it paid off! He finally realized that there is a REASON for learning chores. Its not just the neat little phrase of "teaching responsibility", but it is teaching them how to care for their home when they have one of their own.

  16. i beleive its ok my mom makes me feed the pets clean my room and sort the laundry and im fine with that! :]

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