
Do you make your kid(s) drink water?

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My daughter always wants soda, its a fight to get her to drink water or milk, even juice sometimes. Is there anything I can do to make her drink more of whats good for her without fighting about it?

We hardly ever have soda in the house, my husband is the only one that drinks it. Even when we dont have it, she says thats what she wants.




  1. make a deal with her whats best she can only have one can a week or one a month if she drinks 8 glasses of milk.

  2. You're the mommy. Give her the juice/water/milk etc and if she doesn't drink it, then she doesn't drink it! She'll drink what she's given if she's thirsty and learn that what you say GOES.

    Neither my husband nor I are soda drinkers so we never have any in the house. Myself and my boys live off water. They'll drink that and occasionally orange juice.

    Best Wishes =]

  3. yep i have one child who will drink regular water and one who wont, the one who wont drink it drinks flavored water instead. No soda in this family.

  4. let her drink about 4 ounces at lunch or supper every other day and slowly wean her off of it

  5. You have to be consistent. Just say NO, and that is it. I would get rid of the sodas all together. If you are giving in, she knows that eventually, she will get it and act in a way that will get you to do it.

    For all parents out there, if you don't want your kid to have something, don't give it to them.

    My almost 5 year old and 20 month old never had a taste of soda. They don't even ask for it when others drink.

  6. Yes I do make my kids drink water. One reason is I live in tucson,az. and it can get very hot here. My kids really never drink soda and if they do its like sprite. They are 7,5 and 4. We don't let our kids drink cola.

    She might drink flavored water. Or even gatoraid. Just don't give her the soda. Give her water or juice. She is 3 she will get over it. I hope that helps and good luck.

  7. Yes, I do.  My kids get milk at meals, juice about two times a week and soda if e go out.  I don't buy soda and Capri Sun and such very often.  If they want a drink, they can get water.  Sometimes I will buy like Country time lemonade mix, but when it's gone, it's gone.  I don't rush out to buy more.  

    Water is our drink of preference.

  8. my son was the same way and i did was tell him no. i know it's hard to see that your kids won't drink water. my son drinks flavored water and 100% juice that i make him. in time if she doesn't have the soda and can't have it then water, juice and milk are the only things left to drink. tell your husband to keep the soda away from the house and not to drink it it in front of her, that might help too.

  9. We started out our Daughter with only water. She has a lot of allergies and is picky and will only drink water or the ocassional lemonade.

    Once you start letting them get use to these sweet gooey drinks it is hard to get them to want anything else, but it gets to a point where you just have to put your foot down and say no more. Try to get your husband to not even have that stuff. It is not good at all for your health. Pure sugars. bad for your teeth and bad for your body and diet is even worse. If people only knew what it is that they were truly putting into their bodies maybe they would stop.

    They do have flavored waters you could try. Also getting the water super cold and even having it over ice helps. My Daughter likes her water very icy cold and she will drink a lot of it.

  10. You created a monster.  Tell your husband to stop bringing soda into the house or drinking it around her.

  11. I have the same problem witrh my 5 yr old daughter. She only wants to drink sodas. and if she drinks juice it´s only apple juice and not any other type of juice. she doesnt drink water at all. doesnt like it. I dont know why, she didnt inherit that from me cuz I love water and I´m always drinking it..what u should do is NEVER give her sodas again, when she asks for them just give her water and she will eventually have no other choice but to drink water or get really thirsty.. dont let her have her way. even if she cries or fights with u about it just give her water, dont let her have her way. she´ll eventually drink it.

  12. there will be a fight. Soda taste better then water. Make a rule that she can't have any more soda. Period, thats daddy's drink. When I was growing up my dad had soda and Gatoraid and so help me if I touched it. He also had his own snacks I was not allowed to touch. She can have juice, water or milk. If she won't drink that she will due with out. Put the drink in her cup and hand it to her. If she doesn't want it leave the drink on a table where she can get to it and walk away. She will get so thirty she will drink it. Eventually she will get over it. But you have to get dad on board with it too.. If you say no and he says yes it will get worse.

  13. Yes, but there is a good trick.  They have flavored no sugar waters that give it flavor.  There are even times I give them the flavored sparkling water.  My son calls it soda but it is water without the sugar and calories.  It is a good alternative to juice and soda.

  14. There are two tricks and one rule for this.You can give her flavored water or juice in a can so it looks like soda. Or you can just give her soda only on the weekends.

  15. Yes, absolutely.  Water is the best defense against over eating, dehydration, water retention and so on.

    Also, sugar containing beverages will erode their teeth if consumed before bed.

  16. We have that problem too. Our kiddo gets so much soda at grandma and grandpas I try to keep it out of the house. We buy the sugar-free flavorings and club soda occasionally and make our own. We do keep a lot of Propel flavored water and mixes to drink. I would try to keep soda out of the house like you are doing and not give her a choice. Its "juice-water" (as the kiddo calls it) or milk.

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