
Do you mentally wander whilst listening to people talk?

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I catch myself thinking about riding my motorcycle, etc and then coming to a realization that someone is in the midst of a big story and Im not sure how much time Ive been gazing into space and then I wonder if they notice and think they must and wow how nice are they to play it so cool I cant even tell if they even knew. I was probably moving my lips talking to myself or something crazy too. Do you do that?




  1. Yes, I also have ADD and my husband and son can't wrap their heads around the fact that I cannot help wandering when they are talking to me. They act like I do it on purpose. I have tried every technique for 'active listening' there is.  

  2. Yes..Glad I am not alone..welcome to my world!!!!lol

  3. I do that sometimes.

    When someone is boring me, I'll drift off into my own little world, and pray they don't ask me to repeat what they just said.

  4. Yes I do that sometimes, that's why I try to pay attention and focused.

  5. ummm ... oh!  Were you saying something ... ?

    Hehehe ... yeah, I do that too.  I don't mean to, and I hate it because the other person always gets upset.

  6. Yes I do that all the time, then my doctor just informed me that I have ADD  

  7. I do tend to mentally wander a lot when people are talking.  Mostly, when the topic of conversation isn't of any interest to me.  I wonder if they notice as well.  If they do, they sure didn't stop talking..did they?  LOL  I feel bad when I do it, but I can't help it sometimes!


    i ride too and i daze about other things ; like if they're hot ... well ya know;] and so on . totally normal. i do it all the time

  9. It happens to me most of the time, depends on who I'm talking to.

    If it's family or one of my best friends, then I really listen. But if it's just one of my coworkers trying to make unimportant small talk, I don't really listen because it's the same thing over and over again - "how was your weekend?" etc.  

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