
Do you mess with nice cars?

by  |  earlier

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people will cut me off shoot by me think a light v6 sport car takes more gas then there suv or think your rich but god forbid you arnt aloud to know how to work on cars




  1. well what do you mean by "mess with"?  if you mean vandilize, then h**l no.  cause A, why would i want to? and B, if i did, and i got caught, im ****** financially, so yeah, whats the point?

      if you mean like, fixing up or something, no, im not really mechanicly inclined.

      if you mean driving, sure, ill take any chance i got to drive something that doesnt scream USED! it makes me feel important for even just that little bit

  2. If you mean under the hood stuff NEVER unless I know exactly what do to do and Im realy good about it

    if you mean like driving them yes just be crfull not to do to much wear and tear on it

  3. Yes.  I tell birds what to do and where.

    Lately its been more gulls than pigeons.

  4. No...and I want the same respect to my car

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