
Do you miss Concorde?

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I do, it's more than a plane. Here was a symbol of human achievment that we could be proud of, something to behold, & we don't want it. Everywhere else the world strives to move forward & progress but without Concorde we are taking a step back. We can fly into space, so we do, we build boats to cross the oceans faster than the last guy when planes can do it better anyway, companies make cars that could never be driven to their limits, yet, when it comes to air travel we are happy to plod along in an Airbus.Flying at mach 2 or flying for $20?, I know what I'd choose.




  1. No I do not. It was too noisy!

  2. Yes, a beautiful, graceful aircraft,it's demise was partly due to American jealousy of a great Anglo French aircraft that they couldn't emulate, therefore the banning of it flying into American airports ! This was a deliberate sabotaging designed to make it unprofitable to run !

  3. that's weird!!  i was just thinking about concorde last night. it popped in my head for some strange reason. and while i was thinking about it i do miss it. even though it was deafening it was a proud noise and everytime it flew passed anybody, they always looked up at it. bring it back!!!

  4. It does seem a real shame that we've never had anything commercially to better Concorde. My Grandad worked on the air intakes on it and I think it was one of his proudest achievements. They stopped flying it just a few months before he died...I think it made him very sad to think of it never flying again.

  5. it is a shame because as you say we are taking a step back.  we created the best form of air travel and then discarded it.  it would be like us suddenly deciding we don't need computers and just go back to using typewriters, completely crazy.

    Having said that i couldn never afford to fly by concorde and that is why it failed.  obviously if cost didn't come in i would go for concorde but i would much rather plod along on a $20 ticket than zoom along on a $1000 ticket

  6. Yes it was a shame that she was taken out of service (braces for attacks from americans) and yet another piece of British technology that was groundbreaking hence the calls to ban it when it came in to service

  7. Dearly.

  8. Kinda but its not safe!!

  9. Sure do, she was fantastic.

  10. Concorde wasn't anything special.

    Passenger jet's are aimed to achieve maximum efficiency to save money on your flights and to make the world a cleaner place.

    Non of which Concorde was designed for.

    It was built to prove that a supersonic passenger jet could be achieved, nothong more than a show case, but it was never  profitable and this was a disapointment.

    If concorde was built with the same efficiency of an airbus then concorde would be ahead of it's time and still in operation today.

    It's easily feasable to build something fast, like strapping a jet engine to the back of my car.

    But to make it as economical as a honda would be far more impressive.

    "Processers become faster, yet consume less power".

    " Batteries become more powerfull and last longer"," cars become faster and more econmical"

    " Mobile phones have more features and a longer battery life".

    Technology progresses to make things more efficient and yet powerfull, now that is something to admire.

  11. I was lucky enough to fly to New York on concorde the year before it came out of service and it was simply breathtaking. I know it was laden with problems but it truly was an amazing plane. The best thing was seeing the curvature of the earth while flying at maximum height and the deep dark blue of the sky. Amazing.

    I hope that airbus and boeing pull their finger out and instead of making planes that the population of a small country to fly on (A380, anyone?!) they should look to create a plane that travels to places quicker.

  12. I miss the concorde:(, thought there were reasons why the FAA didn't allow it :(

  13. yes - Concord was great! Unbelievable that it is out of commission

  14. man, i vastly miss that bird.  I wanted to fly on it so bad, as it was one of the things i wanted to do b4 dying.  Near-perfect safety record (except for that rather nasty crash that pushed to the ground for good)  In my opinion, bring it back now.

  15. I'll assume you were one of the too few passengers on the Concord that were willing to pay ridiculous prices to save three or four hours flying to only a few destinations in the world huh? They'll bring the concord back just as soon as you can rustle up some other super wealthy folks like yourself who appreciates technology and fast airplanes like you that want fast, pretty airplanes just because well, because their fast and pretty. But until enough of you put up the big bucks you won't see anything like it again. At least not until real technology can be developed instead of the 1950s gobligook that was already obsolete when concord took it's first flight. You think we're taking a step back? Do you realize how many average income people get to fly today? Do you know why that is? It's because the people that can make things happen don't think like you do. They realize we are on a global economic ride not some thrilling, noisy, inefficient piece of technological c**p that really served no purpose for anybody. Why do you think Boeing cancled it's SST program while the British/French contraption was being built?

  16. I miss Concorde loads. I grew up in filton its home land. Every summer they did flights in and out. When one did its last flight into filton the closed roads and everyone came out to watch everything stopped I saw grown men cry. Maybe this all sounds dramatic but it is true and it is sad. I think everyone would have loved the opportunity to fly in one,

  17. But it kept breaking & or crashing.

  18. I got the same kick from seeing Concorde in flight that I did when I saw 16 Spitfires in formation.  That took me right back to 1942.  

    The Concorde is a beautiful aeroplane.  Much like the Vulcan.  I doubt we will see its like again.

  19. My I join with there was something British, I would love to say English about the Concord, let it go with thought of the Comet, Lancaster Bomber and the Spitfire, I would love to  enter the Hurricane, not forgetting Whittle as well.  Long live the greatest country in the world

  20. I can't honestly say I miss something I never travelled on but she was a good model of what we can achieve I agree. We should be getting better and faster, not stepping backwards, I agree. Like your avatar pic too :o)

  21. As my dad worked on the engines for Concorde and as I used to work at the airfield where it took its maiden flight, then yes I really do miss it.  It is part of the UKs West Country heritage.  Its so sad that just because of one accident it was put out of action.  If that happened for every aircraft that ever crashed we would have no aircraft at all!

    It is such a beautiful plane and I am only thankful that I managed to actually fly on it twice (not supersonic unfortunately) before it was put to rest!
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