
Do you miss your ex? Were you the dumper or dumpee?

by  |  earlier

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Do you secretly wish he or she would still come back for you if nothing bad happened for it to end as in if there wasn't any hate, betrayal involved. How many yrs, mnths has it been?




  1. this is my story:

    i dumped my bf because one day... he came to me and said that "it's over with us" and went flirting with my friends behind me and later he said it was a joke & i got really upset!!! so i told him "i don't wanna talk to u again"(that was couple of weeks ago) and on monday... he said sorry and it was only a joke and stuff like that, he said he'll do anything to make me happy...

    and now we're friends..and flirting..

    i really like him now & i had to forgive him!!!!  

  2. was the dumper  and yes i miss him to a certain degree but i still see him as we have a business together.We both love each other dearly but we just couldn't make it work. sometimes hate is easier to deal with than love

  3. dumper ........ no we are good friend now ..!!!!!

  4. dumper...and i definately dont want him bak

  5. No I was the dumpee, I never break up with girls just in case I feel lonely or strike out at the club i have something to go home to. I don't love them but I never break up with them

  6. We had a mutual agreement!  We are still Friends!  xox

  7. ummm no i was the dumpee... i dont want her back...

  8. he was the dumpee but ended up being the best thing that ever happen to me hes someone else problem now and am the happiest iv been in 10 years xx

  9. i was the dumper, idon't miss him it was 4 years of h**l he was absusive so i finally plucked up courage to kick him out

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