
Do you need 2 people to play with an Ouija Board?

by Guest67151  |  earlier

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Just wondering because I would rather play alone!




  1. The ouija board is a game meant for two or more people so it will not work very well if  you try to play it alone.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using it make it work.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards.

  2. no you can play the Ouija board by yourself just make sure you pray over the board and you use a quarter so you can get good spirits to talk to you

  3. Don't go there. It can be very dangerous, whether you believe the results (if any) are paranormal or psychological.

    My definitive answer, if you insist on being foolish- you don't even need a Oiuja board. If you choose to use one, you can use it alone.

  4. You can play it alone.

    But, I have experimented with one before, and it will freak you out.

    It is recommended not to be alone while you do it.

    It's spooky as heck.

  5. I've always had a partner when doing Ouija.  Can't imagine working it alone.

  6. Yes you need two people. One is the person having fun tricking their friend into actually believing it works by physically moving the thing around, and the other person is the idiot believing it

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