
Do you need 20/20 vision to become a fighter/jet pilot in the air force?

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ok so i want to go into the air force and become a jet pilot. Do i need 20/20 vision? Can i use glasses, contacts, or get laser eye surgery or something?




  1. to be a pilot I do believe you need to have 20/20 vision.

  2. You can't use glasses but if you have a few thousand dollars you can get laser eye surgery and be accepted.  

  3. yes u do

  4. yes you do need 20/20 vision and if u have glasses or contacts you cant use it you can only get laser eye surgery  

  5. I don't know where you're from but in Australia you have to have 20/20 vision and no colour-blindness

    20/20 is not "perfect vision", it's just "average", as in, if you can see at 20 feet what the "average" person can see

  6. did u watch little miss sun shine

  7. Your vision has to be correctable to 20/20 either with glasses or contacts. In the military you will have an option to get laser surgery and it will be free...I recommend waiting to get that.

  8. jim's answer is dead-on.

  9. Don't let the other answers scare you off!

    USAF:  20/70 correctable 20/20 or better

    USN/USMC:  20/40 correctable 20/20 or better

    For both:

    - No Astigmatism

    - No Colorblindness

    - No depth perception problems

    - No night vision issues

    Laser surgery is accepted with a waiver.  All three services prefer PRK for their aircrews; while LASIK is currently accepted, personally I would go with what active duty crews are using.

    If you have questions about commissioning, and pilot/nav training please PM me.

  10. yes u need 20/20 vision

    and no u cant use glasses and contacts

  11. google it

  12. Times have changed, and in the US, you no longer need uncorrected 20/20 vision.  20/70 for the USAF (distant vision).  I don't know what the Navy's is, but I think Jim is right on.

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