
Do you need a bit of rough?

by  |  earlier

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toilet paper's run out it's either sandpaper or handful of gravel.




  1. Just use ya finger ( a lot softer!! )

  2. Ouch...

  3. ye wat or awch lol

  4. In days of old when knights were bold and paper wasn't invented

    They wiped their a*** with dods of grass and walked away contented.

  5. Maaaaaaate turn the sandpaper over........

  6. water, fill a bottle and wash your bum. lol

    then use some paper to dry it or a cloth/towel/flannel and wash it.

  7. Fac ut gaudeam.

  8. Sandpapes

  9. I would take the rough with the smooth !!

  10. i'd chose a towel if it wasn't my house haha

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