
Do you need a business license to sell handmade jewelry?

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  1. Requirements vary from state to state. Your best bet is to visit the Small Business Administrations website: You can find out just about anything you need to know. They also have a free course for small business owners who are new to this. (I have been using it for my scrapbooking business). Hope this helps, good luck!

  2. Yes if you have a business you need a business license. Go to your city hall and apply for one, if you have no employees and it's operated by just yourself the cost should be under $75.

    You will most likely need a business checking account also, simply go to a bank of your choice and open one, they will advise the steps needed.

  3. You have good answers here, including the sba.  You get a business license at the city you live in. Since penalties are much more than the license, I advise just getting it. Also, you DO need to set up business accounts (and you need a business lic to do that and probably a tax ID # as well) for your business income (particularly if you plan on being successful). Big banks have a small business specialist who can tell you everything you need to do (I used B of A).  You should not mingle business & personal income together for income tax (and other) reasons.  You need to then "pay" yourself from the business account.  You need to keep meticulous records (get a computer program for this) or you will find grief at tax time. And also, you very likely will need to collect sales tax so will need a resale license with the franchise tax board, and a "tax" $ account so its available at tax time. Your income taxes are going to change once you become self-employed so I really advise having an account do your taxes so there are no surprises.

  4. That will probably depend which state you are in. Do a web search for your state re small business start-up

  5. If you are selling them from your home or on line you will be fine up to a certain $ amount.  If you are selling to business to sell them for you them they will most likely require a contract that includes you have a licensed to sell.

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