
Do you need a computer hard drive with 7200rpm or higher to capture and edit video from a flash mem. camcorder

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Do you need a computer hard drive with 7200rpm or higher to capture and edit video from a flash mem. camcorder




  1. No. But if the hard drive cannot keep up, things will just buffer - so yes, you can edit standard definition, highly compressed video on that slow laptop drive, nothing will break and in the end, the video will look fine. BUT BE PATIENT when rendering, copying files or exporting.

    2 gig or more of RAM is important. Lots of available hard drive space is important (and external 7200 rpm drive is recommended)...

  2. Nu'uanu is correct - you only *need* a fast drive if you're capturing video from tape.  Even then, it doesn't have to be anything special - modern drives are easily fast enough.  I agree with the recommendation for a second drive, but it doesn't have to be external - internal drives are cheaper and very easy to install.

  3. k

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